Australian Company Law: could the validity of the resolution passed at the extraordinary general meeting be challenged and if so, what would be the remedy?

Australian Company Law Wicrem Pty Ltd (Wicrem) was incorporated in April 2021 by Eshan and Sharon. Eshan and Sharon were the only directors and Eshan, Sharon, Tony, Chathu and Clare were the only shareholders, each holding 10 shares. The company used the replaceable rules. At the first directors’ meeting on 12th April: • Sharon was … Read more

Severance Case Ruling: provide techniques for maintaining control of the hearing environment.

Severance Case Ruling Continue to explore ways to successfully direct Stages 2 and 3 of the In Accord Arbitration model. In your discussions with other students, you will learn how to rule on special requests made during witness testimony and how to streamline expert witness testimony. You will prepare a reaction paper that focuses on … Read more

Dishonesty Test Evaluation: write an advisory essay advising Jennie, Jasper and Pablo of their likely criminal liability for any offenses, including any defences they may have.

Dishonesty Test Evaluation Read the scenario and answer the problem question that follows.It is Saturday afternoon and Jennie needs money quickly in order to pay the latest monthly instalment of a car loan, due on Monday. If she does not pay this month, Jennie is worried the car will be re-possessed and she will not … Read more

Describe in detail the current FAA regulatory requirements governing the operations of the full range of UAS that may be needed to cover as many of the company’s customer needs as possible, considering the different operating environments given and explicitly addressing.

  Describe in detail the current FAA regulatory requirements governing the operations of the full range of UAS that may be needed to cover as many of the company’s customer needs as possible, considering the different operating environments given and explicitly addressing.

Constitutional Trivia: if the president is impeached by the house and tried in the senate, who presides over the trial?

Constitutional Trivia In order to answer the following questions, you need to read the US Constitution. You must also note where in the US Constitution you found the answer. 1. Which of the following powers is NOT explicitly given to Congress by the Constitution? a. the power to impeach the President. b. the power to … Read more