Describe the components of a good evaluation question. Explain the impact of political and ethical issues associated with program evaluation.

Program evaluation Describe the components of a good evaluation question. Explain the impact of political and ethical issues associated with program evaluation. Explain the process involved in formulating and developing a quality evaluation question. Identify pertinent components that good evaluation questions should contain. In addition, identify an appropriate topic for the Final Paper, and formulate … Read more

The complexity of cyberspace and WB’s proximity to Europe actually might provide an excellent background for future cooperation. But what is at stake and are there limits or risks for the region? Do this support instruments contribute to Western Balkans interests?

Cyberspace and WB’s proximity The complexity of cyberspace and WB’s proximity to Europe actually might provide an excellent background for future cooperation. But what is at stake and are there limits or risks for the region? Do this support instruments contribute to Western Balkans interests? Specifications Use arabic numerals, instead of roman ones. Should be … Read more

Demonstrate a sound knowledge and appreciation of employment law.

Employment law Demonstrate a sound knowledge and appreciation of employment law. Illustrate and analyse legal rules and regulations relevant to employees in England and Wales. Apply the law to factual and practical situations that you may encounter in practice. Conduct effective research and present a structured and written document based upon its findings.

Identify and analyze an appropriate area of law of smart contracts where there has been a debate pertaining proposal for reform and whether it is consistent with the existing laws in England and Wales.

Smart contracts Identify and analyze an appropriate area of law of smart contracts where there has been a debate pertaining proposal for reform and whether it is consistent with the existing laws in England and Wales.  

Write an overview of the offence charged and whether this is applicable based on the facts.

Scenario On 15th July 2021 your client, Mrs. Elena Roberts, was charged with the murder of her husband, Mr. David Roberts, contrary to common law. The agreed facts are as follows: Your client, Mrs. Roberts was informed by her daughter, Ms. Sophia Medina, that Mr. Roberts had sexually abused her and her siblings throughout their … Read more

Identify and critically engage with relevant materials and information, evaluating legal arguments and material drawn from a range of appropriate sources.

Criminal law Identify and critically engage with relevant materials and information, evaluating legal arguments and material drawn from a range of appropriate sources. Conduct searches efficiently and effectively and access and reference appropriate legal and contextual materials. All work should be word processed in 12-point font Times New Roman or Arial and double line spaced. … Read more

What human rights issues does the above scenario raise.What action could be taken and what remedy should we seek and why.

Human Rights Act 1998 and counter-terrorism law Following the agreement of an arms deal between the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia in March 2022, a demonstration was held in London to protest the deal. Whilst filming a segment on the demonstration, Clare, a journalist employed by ITV News, was questioned by the police, who alleged … Read more