Set the stage of the situation and identify: the major players; their interests and objectives; the reason for deciding upon Denial and Deception; the objectives of the effort; the mechanics of the effort; their effects on the situation; and their effects on the overall situation.

Set the stage of the situation and identify: the major players; their interests and objectives; the reason for deciding upon Denial and Deception; the objectives of the effort; the mechanics of the effort; their effects on the situation; and their effects on the overall situation. You should format your paper using the the Chicago Manual … Read more

Civil litigation : Critically discuss how and why the judiciary use Case management via the Civil procedure Rules in Civil cases at the following stages in the Civil Procedure process.

Civil litigation Critically discuss how and why the judiciary use Case management via the Civil procedure Rules in Civil cases at the following stages in the Civil Procedure process: 1) Allocation 2) Costs 1) & 2) carry equal marks and ensure you use relevant statute and case law. Knowledge and Understanding 1. Evaluate the core … Read more

Sport Law: Bosman Ruling: Analyze the legal implications of this ruling for European sport, with reference to the most important developments post-Bosman and to relevant case law.

Sport Law – Bosman Ruling. Description The transfer market for unemployed players in all professional sports was radically altered by the Bosman ruling [Union Royale Belge Des Societes de Football Association ASBL v Bosman C415/93 (1996)], enabling out-of-contract players to transfer free of any claims by their previous employer. None the less, players employed under … Read more

Discuss the role and competences of arbitrators in maintaining the procedural order in international commercial dispute resolution through arbitration.

Discuss the role and competences of arbitrators in maintaining the procedural order in international commercial dispute resolution through arbitration. Maximum word count of 4000 words (normal margins, 1.15 lined spacing, readable font size Time New Roman 11pt or Calibri 11 point)

Amicus Brief: Child: write an amicus brief from this perspective and as if the case were still pending before the Court.

Amicus Brief: Child 1. Read through the case overview of the Ankrum v. State of Alabama (2011) case (available at the end ). 2. You are a policy analyst for the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). You are working with the NASW legal counsel to complete an amicus brief on this case. You have … Read more

“The truth is that unfair dismissal law does not impose undue burdens on business.Rather, it offers minimal protection for workers: too many are excluded from the legislation; it is too easy for an employer to justify a dismissal as not being ‘unreasonable’, and the remedies for those who are dismissed remain wholly inadequate.This is the legal regime that needs reform.” Discuss.

Labour Law “The truth is that unfair dismissal law does not impose undue burdens on business.Rather, it offers minimal protection for workers: too many are excluded from the legislation; it is too easy for an employer to justify a dismissal as not being ‘unreasonable’, and the remedies for those who are dismissed remain wholly inadequate.This … Read more

Using Donoghue v Stevenson, Caparo Industries plc v Dickman and Customs and Excise Commissioners v Barclays Bank plc and other relevant cases, critically discuss the merits of the three-stage test, also variously known as the ‘incremental approach or the ‘tripartite test’ for establishing a duty of care and its role in the concept of negligence.

Elements of Corporate and Business Law Using Donoghue v Stevenson, Caparo Industries plc v Dickman and Customs and Excise Commissioners v Barclays Bank plc and other relevant cases, critically discuss the merits of the three-stage test, also variously known as the ‘incremental approach or the ‘tripartite test’ for establishing a duty of care and its … Read more

DELICT: Advise Lucy on who could be potentially liable for damages for the loss of her son, and the basis for and likelihood of, establishing liability, taking into account any relevant defenses.

DELICT Lucy and Tom went to visit their friends Jason and Diane to see the new extension that Jason and Diane had been having built at the back of their house. It was a Sunday. Lucy and Tom took their young son, Robbie, with them. Robbie was 5 years old. The extension was not actually … Read more

Banking Law: Discuss the challenges in implementing macroprudential tools to prevent or mitigate risks to financial stability.

Banking Law Answer one of the following question/s: 1. “In response to the COVID shock, many countries have relaxed macro prudential policy tools to enable banks to absorb expected losses and support the continued provision of credit to the real economy.”Discuss the challenges in implementing macro prudential tools to prevent or mitigate risks to financial … Read more