Purportedly, gangs are more likely to develop in urban, poor, and ethnic neighborhoods. Do agree with this assertion? Explain your reasoning.

Answer the following questions. Responses should be 1 paragraph in length. 1. Purportedly, gangs are more likely to develop in urban, poor, and ethnic neighborhoods. Do agree with this assertion? Explain your reasoning. 2. Why do you believe that it is so hard to come up with a comprehensive definition of gangs and gang activity? … Read more

Family law : Why do you believe you will make a good barrister? Identify any relevant experiences or skills that you believe may help you in your career.

Family law Why do you believe you will make a good barrister? Identify any relevant experiences or skills that you believe may help you in your career. (200 words) “The age of majority should be reduced to 16”. Make an argument for or against this proposition. (350 words) What is the greatest challenge you have … Read more

Shareholders cannot effectively enforce directors’ breaches of duty in the UK.Discuss.

Answer BOTH Question 1 AND Question 2, which both carry EQUAL MARKS: 1. Projects Plc is a property development company. It has four shareholders. Joan owns 60% of the company’s shares. David, who founded the company with Joan, still owns 16%. Simon, owns 12%. Tessa owns the remaining 12%. The company has four directors: Joan, … Read more

Analyze and discuss the case of Graham v Graham [2021] NICA 25 to show how it illustrates current issues in the law on proprietary estoppel.

 Land Law Submission deadline:Word limit. 2000 Including footnotes. Analyze and discuss the case of Graham v Graham [2021] NICA 25 to show how it illustrates current issues in the law on proprietary estoppel. A close analysis of the judgment of Lord Justice McCloskey is required as well as some discussion of other important cases. Students … Read more

International Human Rights Law : Describe the current international human rights law framework applicable to women’s human rights.

International Human Rights Law Conduct your own research on women’s human rights in international human rights law, focusing on the following three issues. 1. Describe the current international human rights law framework applicable to women’s human rights. 2. Identify and explain the current issues, controversies and emerging challenges in the field of women’s human rights. … Read more

Provide appropriately reasoned and structured advice on employment law topics. Select and apply a range of relevant primary and secondary source material to support the provision of advice.

Breaking the Glass Ceiling Provide appropriately reasoned and structured advice on employment law topics. Select and apply a range of relevant primary and secondary source material to support the provision of advice. Successfully select and apply concepts, principles and knowledge to devise, sustain and structure an argument in relation to employment law. Effectively analyse, synthesise … Read more

Critically discuss the concept of financial disclosure with respect to information asymmetries that manifest when the agent is in possession of relevant information which is not available to the principal.

Financial disclosure. Adequacy of disclosure is a gauge to determine what an investor knew or should have known, based on the information available to that investor. Critically discuss the concept of financial disclosure with respect to information asymmetries that manifest when the agent is in possession of relevant information which is not available to the … Read more

Summarise briefly Mr James’ medical problems and the procedures which had the potential to improve his condition.

Ethics ETHICS QUESTION Below is a summary of the facts of the case Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v James [2014] 1 All ER 573. In May 2012, at the age of 68 years old, Mr James was admitted to hospital due to problems with a device fitted in 2001 in his colon (lower … Read more

Employment Law : Provide appropriately reasoned and structured advice on employment law topics

Employment Law Provide appropriately reasoned and structured advice on employment law topics Select and apply a range of relevant primary and secondary source material to support the provision of advice Select and apply concepts, principles and knowledge to devise, sustain and structure an argument in relation to employment law Effectively analyze, synthesize and critically evaluate … Read more