Maker manufactures : Was Maker obligated to sell the presses to News for $2.4 million? Why/why not?

Maker manufactures Maker manufactures printing presses. News, a publisher of a local newspaper, haddecided to purchase new presses. Rep, a representative of Maker, met with Boss, the president of News, to describe the advantages of Maker’s new press. Rep also drew rough plans of the alterations that would be required in the News pressroom to … Read more

Financial Information : Write a memorandum to that addressing How college coaches are employed now employed by an entity other than the university itself that somehow circumvents the law of tax-exempt entities?

Financial Information Write a memorandum to that addresses the following items: (1) a brief overview of college coaching salaries and compensation packages. (2) How college coaches are employed now  employed by an entity other than the university itself that somehow circumvents the law of tax-exempt entities? If universities use this circumvention model, how does this … Read more

Equity and Trust : Critically evaluate whether Kernott v Jones [2011] UKSC 53 has clarified the use of imputation and left the law in a satisfactory position.

Equity and Trust “The distinction between inference and imputation may appear a fine one but it is important. An inferred intention is one which is objectively deduced to be the subjective actual intention of the parties, in the light of their actions and statements. An imputed intention is one which is attributed to the parties, … Read more

In the form of a short journal article, critically evaluate ONE of the aspects of law identified in List A, in terms of ONE of the theoretical perspectives in List B.

Healthcare law In the form of a short journal article, critically evaluate ONE of the aspects of law identified in List A, in terms of ONE of the theoretical perspectives in List B. List A                                         … Read more

Business Law : The HR handbook states that employees are not allowed to use company computers for social media use. Are there any liabilities to Jamal or the employer from his actions? Why or why not?

Business Law Social Media and the liabilities and risks from a legal perspective. Social media is defined as electronic communication (including the Internet or network systems) where participants communicate and share ideas, information, personal messages and other content (i.e., music or videos). A common example is an employer restricting the use of social media both … Read more

Define key legal terms like EU state-certified institutions.Expand on the SCCA online dispute resolution protocol for analysis and comparison purposes.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Online Contracts In The KSA and Comparative Law ODR Define clearly the difference between internet arbitration and conventional arbitration, and delete or editing the graph on page 45. Introducing and concluding each chapter with objectives of this chapter and outcomes of the analysis. Define key legal terms like EU state-certified … Read more

Education is one distinguishing factor that separates the politically sophisticated from the unsophisticated, but, since education levels have increased over the last half-century, why hasn’t Americans’ knowledge of politics increased?

American government Since the advent of polling, political scientists have found that Americans don’t know much about the details of political issues or even the names of many leading politicians. Education is one distinguishing factor that separates the politically sophisticated from the unsophisticated, but, since education levels have increased over the last half-century, why hasn’t … Read more

Write your opinion on Homeland Security Legal and Ethical Issues without using first or second person.

Reflection Paper Write your opinion on Homeland Security Legal and Ethical Issues without using first or second person. In this paper, you get the opportunity to write your point of view on the material reviewed during the week. How did the material on Homeland Security Legal and Ethical Issues affect you? Did your learning about … Read more

Choose a topic that relates to the materials covered during your studies of the Homeland Security world,explore it and write about something that really interests you.

Analyst Paper. Choose a topic that relates to the materials covered during your studies of the Homeland Security world,explore it and write about something that really interests you. Components of the Analyst’s Paper Cover Page (does not count towards your minimum or maximum page count). Abstract and Keywords (does not count towards your minimum or … Read more

Did your learning about the material on Critical Infrastructure Protection change your mind about something? If so, how.

Reflection Paper source is Critical Infrastructure Protection in Homeland Security: Defending a Networked Nation, 2nd ed. – by Ted Lewis ISBN: 9781118817636 Some simple brainstorm techniques for writing reflection papers can involve you answering some of the basic questions below: How did the material on Critical Infrastructure Protection affect you? Did your learning about the … Read more

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