Write a 525- to 700-word budget narrative in which you detail the significant items in the budget, including how these expenses and revenues were determined and why they are important.

Summative Assessment: Budget Grant Component Continuing your work on your grant proposal to address a criminal justice initiative, in this assignment you revise your budget and write a budget narrative. Finalize the budget draft you created last week in Microsoft® Excel®. Address the following as you build your budget: Research and estimate revenues and expenses. … Read more

Provide an example of how a constitutional checks and balances provision has helped or hindered the administration of a specific regulation.

Checks and Balances Impacts on Regulations The U.S. Constitution allocates different powers to each of the three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. It has been said that this system of checks can produce moderate policy decisions. The Constitution has the separation of powers in place so that there will remain an integrated resolution … Read more

Provide a 200- to 300-word analysis 1 page of the two court cases explaining which court case is criminal and which is civil.

Case Analysis Your friend Jim is assaulted by his coworker Sam at work. Jim is punched and kicked by Sam. He suffers a broken cheekbone and various bruises. The police are called and Sam is arrested. The employer immediately terminates Sam. An assistant district attorney interviews Jim and decides to charge Sam with felony assault. … Read more

Economic International Law : What values, and whose interests, should International Economic Law promote? Why?.

Economic International Law What values, and whose interests, should International Economic Law promote? Why?. The word limit is 4000 words including all footnotes. Bibliography is excluded from the word count. The word count cannot exceed 4400 or fall below 3600 words. The theme font is Arial with the size of 12 throughout the whole essay … Read more

To what extent did the Constitutional Reform Act [2005] develop Separation of Powers in England and Wales?Can it be said that we have achieved total Separation of Powers?

Separation of powers in England and Wales regarding the consultation reform act To what extent did the Constitutional Reform Act [2005] develop Separation of Powers in England and Wales?Can it be said that we have achieved total Separation of Powers? Referencing in OSCOLA With the Bibliography page for the reference. Also no grammatical mistakes, with … Read more

Categories Law

Contract law : Discuss the rights and remedies of the parties under contract law.

Contract law Howard and Molly married in 1983 and had a son, Sam. They divorced in 2004, atwhich time Sam was 19 years old, living at home, and attending college full-time. The divorce decree included a written property settlement agreement, which both parties duly signed and which included an integration clause. While negotiating the contract,Howard … Read more

legislation : Prepare for Henrietta a memo with your analysis and legal opinion of her proposed legislation. Explain punitive damages pertaining to contracts, what they are and how they work, as well as your opinion as to her idea.

legislation Your group works as legislative counsel to Representative Henrietta HolyCow. Sherecently suffered some inconvenience when a home renovation company breached its promise to install marble counters in her kitchen. “They deliberately violated our agreement, saying that Senator Lowlife had offered them twice as much money for the same work!” fumed Henrietta. “It seems to … Read more

Homework law : Give your opinion on Florida’s statutes concerning any three (3) defenses to contracts. What are they and do you agree with them as written? Why/why not?

Homework law Frank arranged with Lank, a retired Lecturer in history, to give Frank’s son, Simon, a course of two one-hour lessons a week for ten weeks to prepare him for his final year History exams. It was agreed that Frank would pay Lank $250 at the beginning of the course and a further $750 … Read more

Scenario: How should the court decide? Cite all relevant law and legal theories explaining fully.

Scenario:On September 5, 2009, Ralph offered to purchase a farm that Farms Associates had listed for sale in 2008. At one point during the subsequent negotiations, Farms made a counteroffer to Ralph, stating that the offer would be valid only until 5 P.M. on October 17th. Farms’ attorney sent the offer to Ralph’s attorney next … Read more