Law problem : Identify and explain the meaning and requirements of the concept of certainty of intention.

Law problem Identify and explain the meaning and requirements of the concept of certainty of intention. Identify and explain the meaning and requirements of the concept of a charitable trust. Identify and explain the means of control and supervision of a charitable trust. Identify and explain the meaning and requirements of the concept of certainty … Read more

Determine if the Medicaid expansion mandate is unconstitutional. If you do not take this expansion by force, the government said we would take all the

Read all 3 cases and decide whether you agree with the court’s ruling. Write a one-page response for each case. The response should answer if the ruling is or is not constitutional/ethical and why. 1. King v Burwell 2. Burwell v Hobby Lobby It struck down the contraceptive mandate. My opinion: It is not ethical … Read more

Taylor and the bank categorically denied Vinson’s allegations. Does the conduct constitute sexual harassment? Explain.

Case study Michelle Vinson was an employee of Meritor Savings Bank for approximately four years. Beginning as a teller-trainee, she ultimately advanced to the position of assistant branch manager. Her promotions were based solely upon merit. Sidney Taylor, a vice president of the bank and manager of the branch office in which Vinson worked, was … Read more

With regard to the Hickman Principle or Hickman Approach.What is the common law origin of this? What are the key elements?

 The Hickman Principle (a) With regard to the Hickman Principle or Hickman Approach.What is the common law origin of this? What are the key elements? b) What relevance does Hickman have to local government and planning law in Australia? Identify as examples at least two statutory references           5. [15 marks] … Read more

Consider Peabody Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd v Mid-Western Regional Council.Outline the relevant facts and issue(s)

Local Government Law Consider Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action Inc v Environmental Protection Authority [2021] NSWLEC 92 Outline the: Relevant facts Issue(s) Relevant Finding(s) Decision Relevance to planning law in NSW.   Consider Peabody Pastoral Holdings Pty Ltd v Mid-Western Regional Council [2013] NSWLEC 86 Outline the: Relevant facts Issue(s) Decision Relevance to planning law … Read more

Using relevant legislation and case examples to support your arguments, discuss whether or not the board of FF has any reason to take legal action against Lew and if they are likely to be successful if they do.

AUSTRALIAN CORPORATIONS LAW QUESTION 1 The Hayne Royal Commission was critical of the role of industry regulators, ASIC and APRA. In the Commission’s Final Report (, Hayne argued that ASIC’s enforcement culture needed to change. In no more than 1000 words, explain your views concerning the effectiveness of ASIC as a corporate regulator and enforcer … Read more