Choose any computerized Information system that is used by well-known organizations.write a brief description about the main purpose of the system. Include information about the organization like name, industry, products and services.

  Choose any computerized Information system that is used by well-known organizations. Write a brief description about the main purpose of the system. Include information about the organization like name, industry, products and services. Apply Figure 1.4 Functions of an Information System described in the lecture on the chosen system. You need to describe your … Read more

Systems Engineering Alignment:Explore and describe the methodology of the NIST RMF and provide details of its alignment with Systems Security Engineering

Q- 1 In a 6-page paper, discuss the topic below. Develop the paper in accordance with APA 7th formatting. You must include at least 5 references, figures, and graphs. Q-2 Also develop a 10 -slide presentation with detailed footnotes summarizing your findings. Project Topic 1) Systems Engineering Alignment: Explore and describe the methodology of the … Read more

Systems Engineering Alignment: explore and describe the methodology of the NIST RMF and provide details of its alignment with systems security engineering.

Systems Engineering Alignment Explore and describe the methodology of the NIST RMF and provide details of its alignment with Systems Security Engineering. A Multidisplinary Approach (Mar 2018) – NIST SP 800-160 Vol 1 and Developing Cyber Resilient Systems: A Systems Security Engineering Approach (Nov 2019) – NIST SP 800-160 Vol 2.   1 In a … Read more

Research and write a summary in a 2-3 page of journal article review

Journal Article Review Analyze and synthesize defensive security topics (CLO 3,6). To do this, research a journal article (must be a scholarly journal article) about the process to harden endpoints topics in this week’s reading and write a summary in a 2-3 page APA-formatted word document that includes proper in-text citations and 2 additional references … Read more

Write a research paper on the types of attack on network.

Types of Attacks on a Network. Write a research paper on the types of attack on network. (10 pages, double spaced, not including title page, executive summary page, and references page[s]). The paper will allow students to dive deeply into a network defense topic of their choice that will help apply the concepts learned from … Read more

Defensive Security Plan: choose a company of own choice and identify the various components of the defensive security needs.

Defensive Security Plan The defensive security plan is a critical component to the IT systems administrator and company infrastructure. While it takes time to complete, the information within it can be critical to the organizations continued success. The defensive security plan is a living document that should be reviewed often by the organization to keep … Read more

Describe in pseudocode how you would implement a graph that describes the links between pages on the Internet.

Describe in pseudocode how you would implement a graph that describes the links between pages on the Internet. Create a Word document – do not type your response into the Submission Text box. Include an APA formatted title page and references page and double-space your work. The text of your response (not including title and … Read more