What questions are Rosemary and Peter Grant addressing with their studies? Why did they choose Daphne Major? How is their study designed?

Evolution Raubeson Video: “What Darwin Never Saw” What questions are Rosemary and Peter Grant addressing with their studies? Why did they choose Daphne Major? How is their study designed? Why did they decide that the ground-finch was the more interesting of the two finch species on Daphne? Through what means have humans had a negative … Read more

Considering state policy, business practices, economic shifts, and other topics we have discussed, why, when and for whom did consumer finance fail to deliver on this promise?

The promise of consumer finance. Postwar consumer finance promised a democracy of consumption, but in many ways did not deliver over the subsequent decades (not just during the postwar period). Why did consumer finance fail to foster a more egalitarian society? Considering state policy, business practices, economic shifts, and other topics we have discussed, why, … Read more

What ideologies best represented the goals and strategies of Europe’s different classes during the 19th century?

European civilization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. What ideologies best represented the goals and strategies of Europe’s different classes during the 19th century? How did relations among Europe’s great classes change from the first half to the second half of the 19th century? What were some of the key events and individuals that brought … Read more