Choose a historical event. What were the underlying factors that led to the historical event? Were there any immediate causes that precipitated the event?

Historical Analysis Essay A. Choose a historical event. What were the underlying factors that led to the historical event? Were there any immediate causes that precipitated the event? B. Illustrate the course of your historical event. In other words, tell the story or narrative of your event. Who were the important participants? What did they … Read more

Based on the information provided from the video, do you think Russia has somewhat been alienated by Europe?

Russia’s Geography: Europe or Asia Based on the information provided from the video, do you think Russia has somewhat been alienated by Europe? Also consider WWII, the fall of East Germany, Russia’s involvement with SCO  opposed to a group like NATO. Or has Russia more so alienated themselves from Europe?

Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document .

In Congress, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which … Read more

Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document.

In Congress Read in Congress. Analyze the content. Answer the questions that follow in 400 words minimum. Questions (Make sure you answer all of these in your essay): 1. Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document. 2. Do you … Read more

Prepare a presentation on current affairs in Mexico or another Latin American nation.

World History Prepare a presentation on current affairs in Mexico or another Latin American nation. The presentation may be a written report or a PowerPoint presentation. You should include the following: · An overview of the Latin American nation of your choice · Additional information on a specific topic of choice, such as the economy, … Read more

Define the differences in the “push”, “passage”, and “pull” factors of three different immigrant groups which come to America between 1607 and 1830?

slavery Many immigrants came to America as “indenturers”. Their experiences, however, would vary considerably depending on their origin and circumstance, where they settled, and what they faced after having worked off the terms of their contracts. Your task is first to explain what being “indentured” meant. For example, the first Africans to be brought to … Read more

Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document .

Declaration of Independence Analyze the Declaration of Independence and examine the connection between the Enlightenment ideals of freedom and equality with those stated in the document . Do you believe the country upheld these ideals when this document was written? Why or why not? Are they upheld today? Does the government bear the responsibility of … Read more