Ottoman legacy in the near east and the balkans: explain the themes and how they are affecting the Balkans and the near east today in their politics and society and how they engage with the world.

Ottoman legacy in the near east and the balkans It has been a daunting task to cover the sweep of the Ottoman Empire a period of 700 years from the early 14th century to the early 20th century, as well as the 300 years before the Turks actually enter into the Middle East, and it’s … Read more

 Music of the Sixties: how do national and world events shape the music? who is the creator of the primary source?

 Music of the Sixties Purpose Over the course of the 1960s, American culture takes a drastic shift. At his inaugural address, JFK called on Americans to “ask what you can do for your country.” By the end of the sixties, the mood of the youth shifts dramatically. Vietnam, Civil Rights, and the deaths of numerous … Read more

Analyze and explain the impact of industrialization on the lives of workers and farmers.How did people organize to challenge the new industrial elite?

Write a well-developed essay on one of the questions below. Your essay should display a firm understanding of the major trends regarding the topic backed by appropriate specific examples (names of people, places, dates, and events). Analyze the impact of industrialization on the lives of workers and farmers. How did people organize to challenge the … Read more

Choose a person from the civil war era and write about how the chosen person impacted the civil war era

Choose a person from the Civil War Era. Creative option: Post about the Civil War from their perspective. You can talk about any aspect of the Civil War, but  look at it from chosen character’s perspective. Traditional Option: Write about how the chosen person impacted the Civil War Era. Focus on 2 aspects on how … Read more

Discuss the evolution of the five traditional institutions ;family, religion, politics, economics, and education between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860.

The five traditional institutions are family, religion, politics, economics, and education. Discuss their evolution between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860. Remember this was a period of significant growth and changes in  culture. Each of these institutions experienced growth in importance in the society and as part of the ‘American … Read more

Explain the role of slavery in the buildup to the Civil War starting with the aftermath of the American Revolution.

“However much [Confederate President] Jefferson Davis and other southerners argued that succession and the war were about states’ rights, the states of the Lower South seceded in 1860-1861 primarily to preserve slavery. The South Carolina Declaration on the Immediate Causes of Secession explains that the state left the union because of the ‘increasing hostility on … Read more