“The Emancipation of Women”-who is the author and why is this topic important to him/her?what was the main conflict this essay was trying to confront and solve? use evidence from the essay.

 “The Emancipation of Women”- 1. Who is the author and why is this topic important to him/her? 2. What was the main conflict this essay was trying to confront and solve? Use evidence from the essay. 3. Did the author offer a solution? What might you have suggested instead? 4. How would Lysander Spooner view … Read more

Explore and compare the colonial and national histories of the three countries that emerge in North America.

Explore and compare the colonial and national histories of the three countries that emerge in North America. Identify the colonial holdings of different European powers on the North American continent. Compare and contrast the features of emerging North American nations in the nineteenth century. Discuss the role of different commercial, labor, and property regimes in … Read more

Redesign primary source newspaper: what are the key takeaways of your redesigned primary source?

Redesign Primary Source Newspaper The New York Times. “The Cholera.” Retrieved fromhttps://www.nytimes.com/1865/11/10/archives/the-cholera.html. 1865. Use the program or software of your choice to redesign your primary source Newspaper about Cholera if it is savable and viewing the finished product does not require a subscription of some sort. i) ”Re-write history” (so to speak) by correcting a … Read more

”The Age of Change” :discuss the reforms of 18th century that restructured colonial Latin America and its relationship with Spain and Portugal.

Description ”The Age of Change” :discuss the reforms of 18th century that restructured colonial Latin America and its relationship with Spain and Portugal. Explain what brought these reforms about, what were they and what effect did they have in colonial Latin America?

Pre Colombian history : explain how colonial Latin America organized in terms of cultural, ethnic and religious means and how did this evolve over time?

Pre Colombian history Description “Part Three: The Colonial Middle” discusses the social structure of colonial Latin America. Explain how colonial Latin America organized in terms of cultural, ethnic and religious means and how did this evolve over time?  

The American West: what political, environmental, and/or social changes did commercial agriculture bring to the American West?

The American West Please read/cite the attached course materials for week 5 and then respond to the questions in essay form. Include the questions in the essay as headers. 1. What political, environmental, and/or social changes did commercial agriculture bring to the American West? 2. What was the federal government’s role in the development of … Read more

Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? are these documents still effective today

Compare and contrast Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence with Thomas Paine’s pamphlet “Common Sense.” Which had the greater effect on revolutionary America? Are these documents still effective today? -3-4 pages; paper must include a statement. -Use specific examples to support your argument and cite all sources carefully. -This is not a summary of the two … Read more

What, for Kimberlé Crenshaw, are the effects of the doctrine of color blindness? what, for at least one of the authors we have read, is the psychological impact of racist ideology? have universities become “too tolerant of the views and interests of African Americans and other people of color?”

Response for each question must be 200 words or longer. 1) What, for Kimberlé Crenshaw, are the effects of the doctrine of color blindness? What, for at least one of the authors we have read, is the psychological impact of racist ideology? Have universities become “too tolerant of the views and interests of African Americans … Read more