Women in Medieval Society, by Brenda Bolton and Susan Mosher Stuard: what sources does the author use?how does he or she use them? (Quotes? Paraphrase?) Is the subject matter discussed in broad detail or specifics?is the book overly specific?does the author include analysis or is it just summary of events?is the book intended for a scholarly audience or general reading public?does the book include illustrations or charts? if so, how are they used?

Women in Medieval Society, by Brenda Bolton and Susan Mosher Stuard Write five FULL pages of typed text, double-spaced. Make sure that it is no less than five full pages of text. Use a simple header: your name, title and author(s) of the book you read. Number your pages. Focus more on analysis of the … Read more

Plan:in a two-section paper titled “Self-Care Plan” create six headings using the six categories of Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

Plan In a two-section paper titled “Self-Care Plan” create six headings using the six categories of Cognitive, behavioral, affective, physical, social, and spiritual. This should be a paper of 4 pages of content plus  APA-formatted title and reference pages.

What was the purpose of the U.S. government establishing a social security tax in 1935? how can the social security tax help or not help the current generation of young adults?”

Write 2 paragraphs responding to : “What was the purpose of the U.S. government establishing a social security tax in 1935? How can the social security tax help or not help the current generation of young adults?” Use at least one reference and cite it multiple times inside the paragraphs. Provide some statistical evidence to … Read more

Becoming the World: draw from examples from all over the world how have various aspects of culture, such as religion, geography, trade, agriculture, division of labor, united various populations and how have the same aspects of culture served to divide populations. (800 words)

Becoming the World Feel free to use specific examples from any time period in order to support your answer to the following prompt. Human identity is constructed based on concepts of “us” and “them.” The title of our textbook is Words Together Worlds Apart. This title is so appropriate as history provides countless example of … Read more

Write an essay of Martin Luther demonstrating an understanding of the larger political social and cultural issues and themes that have contributed to shaping early western civilization

Martin Luther The essay will focus on material that is primary source, which means that it was written at the time of our study. It should be 3-5 pages. (Double space) and essentially examine the authors premise, place the work in its proper historical context and evaluate its historical relevance. In addition the paper should … Read more