Woman Activism:discuss 3 ideas, providing clear,specific examples to support your claims. why might this model be problematic?do you believe that the ‘wave model’ as an approach to understanding women’s history is a valuable one?why or why not? 

Woman Activism The “wave model” is a common conceptual framework for discussing the history of women’s activism. This wave has extended over the twentieth century in three approximate times period. First-wave feminism (1900-1920); second-wave feminism (1960-1980); and, third-wave feminism (1990-). In approximately five (5) to six (6) pages double spaced, explain the value of this … Read more

The New Colossus:how did America live up to the poem’s promises?provide specific examples

The New Colossus In 1903 the following famous poem by Emma Lazarus was engraved and placed upon the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Think about this poem’s message. Did immigrants’ experiences reflect the hope and promise of this poem? The New Colossus By Emma Lazarus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, … Read more