Nevada history of Las Vages : in 250-500 words,explain if you agree that Fremont was the most important of Nevada’s early explorers, or if you think one of the other people/groups in the piece were more influential to Nevada history.

Nevada history of Las Vegas In 250-500 words,explain if you agree that Fremont was the most important of Nevada’s early explorers, or if you think one of the other people/groups in the piece were more influential to Nevada history.  

W O R L D  H I S T O R Y: what were some factors that led to hominid bipedalism?

W O R L D  H I S T O R Y1. What were some factors that led to hominid bipedalism?2. How did climate affect hominid development?3. How and why did Homo sapiens expand out of Africa?4. How and when did Homo sapiens populate the Americas?5. What was a hunter-gatherer existence like?6. Why did Homo … Read more

Discuss the background or larger trend within African history in least 700 words.

Discuss the background or larger trend within African history in least 700 words. Discuss the nature  of your PRIMARY SOURCES Discuss how your PRIMARY SOURCES relate to your SECONDARY SOURCES Typewritten, double-spaced, 1” margins 12 point font, Times New Roman Length: minimum 700 words Citation: Chicago Manual of Style Footnotes  

The impact of the cotton gin on society is comparable to the impact of all of the following developments. EXCEPT :the assembly line,telegraph,sewing machine and application of steam power to factories.

1.The impact of the cotton gin on society is comparable to the impact of all of the following developments. EXCEPT :the assembly line,telegraph,sewing machine and application of steam power to factories. 2.Which of the following was a direct effect of the invention of the cotton gin? (A)  The invention of the steel plow (B)  The spread … Read more