Discuss the importance of the Harlem Renaissance and the role it played on the political and cultural front of the lives of African-Americans of that time as well as a way for them to display their own expression.

Discuss the importance of the Harlem Renaissance and the role it played on the political and cultural front of the lives of African-Americans of that time as well as a way for them to display their own expression.

What did Congress desire to do with the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act?

Why were Horatio Alger novels popular? What did Congress desire to do with the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act? Rapid industrialization was enabled by what kind of relationship between business and government? What was needed to develop the national market for raw materials and finished goods? What was the key to the transformation of … Read more

Which progressive Era feminist sought women to compete on equal terms with men by freeing them for domestic chores?

What was the main purpose of the Civil Service? Ida Tarbell exposed what? Which demographic group did Progressives generally come from? Which Progressive Era feminist sought women to compete on equal terms with men by freeing them for domestic chores? How did W.E.B. Du Bois differ from Booker T. Washington? Why did some women oppose … Read more

How did African Americans respond to emancipation as news spread across the South?

How did African Americans respond to emancipation as news spread across the South? How did southern whites respond to the end of the Civil War? What event brought Reconstruction to an end? Why did Johnson not punish former Confederate leaders for their role in causing the Civil War? What was Lincoln’s plan to treat Confederate … Read more

Build up to American Revolution: write essay explain the series of events between the early 1760s and 1776 that culminated in the drafting of the declaration of independence.

Build up to American Revolution Write essay explain the series of events between the early 1760s and 1776 that culminated in the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. How did so many different groups of Americans, who had long considered themselves to be loyal British subjects, reach a point where they desired to be a … Read more

Choose one of the following questions to answer:

Choose one of the following questions to answer: In what ways did the Roman Heritage influence the Middle Ages? What parts of that heritage survived the fall of the Roman Empire and which did not? Using our readings as a starting point what some of the salient characteristics of early Christianity in the late Roman … Read more

According the Al Jazeera video on YouTube, how did U.S. foreign policy in the 1980s contribute to the rise of Central American migration into the United States?

According the Al Jazeera video on YouTube, how did U.S. foreign policy in the 1980s contribute to the rise of Central American migration into the United States? Explain in 4-6 sentences, drawing in some detail from the video. Here’s the link to the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueNWlMyUNy4