Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism: what does the book do well?what doesn’t it do well?what message about the past is the writer trying to tell us?

Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism. Read and Review the book mention above. What does the book do well? What doesn’t it do well?What message about the past is the writer trying to tell us? What does the book tell us about how people saw the world when it was written? Did you … Read more

What similarities and differences did you find between Ortega y Gasset’s conception of mass society and Lenin’s view of a communist society?how would each address the concept of freedom within mass society?

What similarities and differences did you find between Ortega y Gasset’s conception of mass society and Lenin’s view of a communist society? How would each address the concept of freedom within mass society?

Voyages of Giovanna da Verrazzano: in the Verrazano source, what is the author describing?what does it reveal about that particular historical moment?

Voyages of Giovanna da Verrazzano In the Verrazano source, what is the author describing?what does it reveal about that particular historical moment? This essay should be 750-1000 words. Quote the primary source at least once in the essay. The essay should be submitted on Ga View as a word document .The essay should be composed … Read more

Paraphrase from J. David Barber: do you think we have too high an expectation for our presidents?why do we expect our presidents to do so much?do the journalists share the blame?explain.

Paraphrase from J. David Barber: The president is the first political office children recognize. The president helps people make sense of politics. Congress is a tangle of committees; the bureaucracy is a maze of agencies. The president is one man trying to do a job – a picture much more understandable to the mass of … Read more

US History:The Progressive Era :how was the progressive era a response to the problems of the gilded age?to what extent were the reforms successful?

US History:The Progressive Era  Write a three-paragraph essay answering the following question: How was the Progressive Era a response to the problems of the Gilded Age? To what extent were the reforms successful? Give at least 3 examples of Gilded Age problems and the Progressive Era reforms for those problems. Write 1 paragraph about each … Read more

In an essay of 1,000 words, explain the legacies of the European Renaissance and Reformation movements and assess the impact of these legacies on the 21st century.

Legacies of the Renaissance and Reformation. In an essay of 1,000 words, explain the legacies of the European Renaissance and Reformation movements and assess the impact of these legacies on the 21st century. How does their interpretation of these events differ from modern interpretations of these events?