The Homestead Strike: analyze and explain the differences and commonalities between skilled and unskilled workers at the Homestead Steel Mill.

  “The Homestead Strike” Analyze and explain the differences and commonalities between skilled and unskilled workers at the Homestead Steel Mill. In 200-250 words,Which was more significant to the skilled and unskilled workers the Homestead Steel Mill in 1892- their differences or their commonalities?

How We Got To Now Six Innovations That Made the Modern World: what do you think of the hummingbird effect?does it seem plausible?

The book is called “How We Got To Now Six Innovations That Made the Modern World”. Is there a different category you would add or one that seems weak?Is this a useful way of writing history? Is it helpful? What do you think of the hummingbird effect? Does it seem plausible? For each category(glass, cold, … Read more

How did slavery as practiced in the Spanish colonies compare to slavery in the English colonies? Explain the similarities and differences between these two forms of unfree labour.

How did slavery as practiced in the Spanish colonies compare to slavery in the English colonies? Explain the similarities and differences between these two forms of unfree labour. (375 words ) Indian peoples played a central role in American history. Defend this statement. (375 words )

Based on the evidence in the packet, did Obama’s drone policy violate the U.S. Constitution?

Based on the evidence in the packet, did Obama’s drone policy violate the U.S. Constitution? Explain in 4-6 sentences and refer to at least two sources in our drone packet. You might also find it useful to review the following relevant parts of the U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment (excerpt): “nor shall any person … be … Read more

Write a paragraph of what the difference between the two documents does the “South Carolina exposition and Protest” differ in its argument from the “Kentucky Resolution”?

Read “Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798)” (but please only read the Kentucky Resolution section) and “South Carolina Exposition and Protest”. Write an introduction outlining the basic argument of state powers versus national powers. You may want to turn to the Constitution itself to find material. Write a brief summary of why each document was written. … Read more

Describe the debate over slavery in America following the Revolution and leading to the civil war.evaluate whether there were peaceful options to resolve the conflict between 1787 and 1861.

Describe the debate over slavery in America following the Revolution and leading to the Civil War. Evaluate whether there were peaceful options to resolve the conflict between 1787 and 1861. The essay will total no less/more than 1,300-1,600 words in length (double-spaced, 1 inch margins Times New Roman size 12)