Civil rights movement: write about the how the civil rights movement quickly gains momentum and what were the the biggest 3 events that help lead to changed in America after world war II.

Civil rights movement Write about the how the civil rights movement quickly gains momentum and what were the the biggest 3 events that help lead to changed in America after world war II. .2-3 Pages (500 Word Minimum-750 Word Maximum) 5 Paragraph Essay (Intro, 3 stances, and conclusion) MLA Format 12 Point Font Double Spaced

Marriage in post-Famine Ireland: compare how different historians have approached the topic ?what sources have they used?how have they used them?what approach have they taken?what arguments do they make?what contribution does this work make?are there issues of bias and omission?

Marriage in post-Famine Ireland Historiographical essay •Compare the treatment, in three or more historical studies, of any approved theme, event or episode •Compare how different historians have approached the topic ?what sources have they used? How have they used them? What approach have they taken? What arguments do they make? What contribution does this work … Read more

What evidence links the Sahara during the wet period to pharaonic Egypt?

No reference to “outside sources”.Engage with the films and other materials put at your disposal on Canvas. You must use your own words and may NOT quote. You should paraphrase instead. Your essay should focus on answering fully one of the following questions. You should choose the question 1) What evidence links the Sahara during … Read more

Kassow’s book: what is the role of the introduction?how does it help Kassow establish and reach his goals for the book?

Kassow’s book The book is written on three levels. It functions as a biography of Emanuel Ringelblum, as a history of the Holocaust (in Warsaw, at least), and as a consideration of the role of the historian in history. What is the role of the introduction? How does it help Kassow establish and reach his … Read more

How did Lewis Henry Morgan’s theory of cultural evolution influence and shape the bureau of American Ethnology, American archaeology, and the study of native American groups in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

How did Lewis Henry Morgan’s theory of cultural evolution influence and shape the Bureau of American Ethnology, American archaeology, and the study of Native American groups in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? Your response should be at least 2-3 paragraphs long, with each paragraph consisting of 5-7 complete sentences. Use of correct spelling … Read more

Choose one of the areas impacted by these changes and discuss whether the changes which took place there were an example of westernization or modernization.make certain to provide at least two examples to defend your position.

Examine the significant cultural, technological, economic, and societal changes in Asia, Russia, and Africa. Examined the concepts of “Westernization” and “modernization”. Choose one of the areas impacted by these changes and discuss whether the changes which took place there were an example of “Westernization” or “modernization”. Make certain to provide at least two examples to … Read more

Global History: what are the main events that have shaped the healthcare system in your country?when did major changes in the healthcare system occur?

Global History Brief history of the healthcare system (1/2-1 page) What are the main events that have shaped the healthcare system in your country? When did major changes in the healthcare system occur? Name and briefly describe any major policies affecting the healthcare system and their impact. (E.g. if writing about the US, you would … Read more

Describe and briefly discuss the evidence that supports the claim that modern humans originated in Africa.

No reference to “outside sources” may replace the requirement to engage with the textbook’s contents in this assignment. You should also engage with the films and other materials put at your disposal on Canvas. You must use your own words and may NOT quote. You should paraphrase instead. Your essay should focus on answering fully … Read more