What are some of the ways in which Sam Watkins and his friends in Company H dealt with the time in between battles?include specific instances whenever possible.

Personal Narrative Respond to the prompt “The life of a common soldier includes brief moments of horror and violence as well as long periods of boredom and privation. •What are some of the ways in which Sam Watkins and his friends in Company H dealt with the time in between battles? Include specific instances whenever … Read more

Compare and contrast these two sources.keep in mind the historical context and the documents’ audiences.

•Compare and contrast these two sources. Keep in mind the historical context and the documents’ audiences. •Look for the authors’ rhetoric  and analyze how they are different and why. Use specific details and words from the documents to establish their differences and think about the historical period to understand them. These are the 2 sources. … Read more

Describe and analyze in at least 100 words for each of the following:

Describe and analyze in at least 100 words for each of the following: Reinhard Heydrich / the Lodz ghetto / the Warsaw ghetto / the Krakow ghetto / Jewish councils / Adam Czerniakow / the Lublin ghetto / Chaim Rumkowski / the Oneg Shabbat Archive / Mendel Grossman / Joe Heydecker / Der ewige Jude … Read more

Cultural Exploration: compare the architectural and social significance of the Pantheon and the Colosseum during the time in which it was built.

Cultural Exploration Respond to the prompt below in a 250-350 word paper: •Compare the architectural and social significance of the Pantheon and the Colosseum during the time in which it was built. •Consider not just the architectural points but also the religious function vs. social function. •For this assignment, you should use 12pt. font, one-inch … Read more

How will knowing how toddlers communicate help the reader in their work with toddlers?

The importance of play in early literacy and language acquisition Welcome to the final assignment for the FAM1250 course. For this assignment, you will write a research essay related to a topic that emerged from your observations in Assignment 3(A) or choose a topic of interest that relates to emergent literacy and language if you … Read more

Building of the Boulder/Hoover Dam: watch the video then write a short review (250-500 words) of the video.

Building of the Boulder/Hoover Dam At this link is a 35 minute video about the building of the Boulder/Hoover Dam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSMDPzd11ek Boulder Dam – 1937 It was made in 1937 by the U.S. Department of the Interior, and represents the views and technology of that period. •Watch the video then write a short review (250-500 … Read more

To what extent did the age of European expansion impact the Chinese?who benefited more from this seaborne interaction?explain, with examples.

Module 2 Discussion 1.To what extent did the age of European expansion impact the Chinese? Who benefited more from this seaborne interaction? Explain, with examples. 2.Compare and contrast the governmental systems of British and Spanish colonies in the Americas. Why were the British colonists of North America more inclined toward independence than their Spanish American … Read more