The Growing Frustrations with the Government in the 1970s: compose  a 15 page research paper done on the growth of frustrations, mistrust, and dissent from the US government in the 1970s.

The Growing Frustrations with the Government in the 1970s Compose  a 15 page research paper done on the growth of frustrations, mistrust, and dissent from the US government in the 1970s. Two events that should be focused on are the Vietnam War and the financial crisis in the 1970s (what caused this, what did people … Read more

Choose one of the following topics and compose an essay of at least 2pages.

Choose one of the following topics and compose an essay of at least 2pages. How did the Punic Wars make Rome into an empire? How did Augustus use propaganda to secure and promote his rule? In what ways did Diocletian attempt to revitalize Rome? How was Christianity transformed during the reign of Constantine? Essays should … Read more

Write a book review on Manifest Destinies by Laura E. Gomez .

Write a book review on Manifest Destinies by Laura E. Gomez . Follow this outline Introduction (150 words) Summary of the book Identify and discuss the main argument Organization of the book (150 words) Chronological, Thematic, other? – Discuss the significance What sources does the author use to support her argument? – Be specific Assessment/interrogation … Read more

What reasons did Henry Clay have for supporting John Quincy Adams?do you think the bargain was a good thing or a bad thing?why did you make that choice?

The “corrupt bargain” basically handed the presidency to John Quincy Adams after he was unable to win either the popular or electoral college vote in 1824. What reasons did Henry Clay have for supporting John Quincy Adams? Do you think the bargain was a good thing or a bad thing? Why did you make that … Read more

Texas Independence: discuss the giant role that slavery played in the national economy and national life.

Texas Independence •Write a two page paper in which you explain what the two interpretations of Texas Independence are and which you side with. •Discuss the giant role that slavery played in the national economy and national life. Remember, the Texas Independence Movement came before the US war with Mexico and was a principle cause … Read more

Identify and explain three factors which were common to the leaders of colonial nationalist movements following World War I.

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1. Identify and explain three factors which were common to the leaders of colonial nationalist movements following World War I. 2.Explain the concept of satyagraha as used by Mohandas Gandhi against British rule in India. Provide at least one example of this technique and its effectiveness. … Read more

Why did Alexander Kerensky and the leaders of the March Revolution decide to continue Russia’s involvement in Word War I?how did this effect the future of their government?

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1. Why did Alexander Kerensky and the leaders of the March Revolution decide to continue Russia’s involvement in Word War I? How did this effect the future of their government? 2. Identify and explain three advantages enjoyed by the Bolsheviks which allowed them to defeat White … Read more

Read the postings below and write a response on liberalism  focusing on justice, dependency and low political priorities .

Read the postings below and write a response on liberalism  focusing on justice, dependency and low political priorities . Post 1 The most useful approach to understanding international relations is Constructivism. It takes into account identities and interests concerning how they are organized and constrained by structures. Constructionists recognize that the world is “ socially … Read more