Write 11 journal on the prospects and perils of the 21st Century.

QUESTION: Write 11 journal on the prospects and perils of the 21st Century. Journal Structure: 3 Paragraphs per journal First paragraph: Present the idea ( 4 to 5 sentences) Second paragraph: Why is it Important ( Does it Advance or Destroy humanity) 5 to 6 sentences Last paragraph: Conclusion; If you have any idea’s on … Read more

The house divided speech Abraham Lincoln: What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written?

The house divided speech (1858) Abraham Lincoln  What is the author attempting to illustrate or do with the document? Why was the document written?  What can be learned about the culture that produced this document? What can be learned about the mentality of the author?  At the time the document was written, … Read more

Development in South Africa: critically examine its impact on the economic development of the Southern African region.

Development in South Africa The discovery of minerals in the late nineteenth century i.e. diamonds in 1867 and gold in 1886, dramatically changed the economic and political structure of Southern Africa. Critically examine its impact on the economic development of the Southern African region

Describe one argument that supports “stop and frisk” policies.

Read https://ccrjustice.org/ourcases/current-cases/floyd-et-al Reflect: As you learned in this week’s readings, many constitutional scholars consider the prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures as one of the most basic freedoms that the Bill of Rights clearly protects. This central freedom supports and protects other essential freedoms, like free speech, press, assembly, and religion. Recently, this core freedom … Read more

US History: between the years 1830-1861 how did American northerners and southerners discuss and debate the issue of slavery?

US History. •Between the years 1830-1861 how did American northerners and southerners discuss and debate the issue of slavery? •How did they justify the potential of war over slavery’s defense or abolition? 750-1,000 words (2-3 pages double space) citations can be in MLA or Chicago style.

Battle of Salamis:how did Themistocles manage to frustrate the apparently overwhelming power of Xerxes?

Battle of Salamis Consider the sea battle of Salamis in 480 BC as the decisive moment in a complex littoral contest between the Persian empire and the alliance of free cities led by Sparta and Athens. How did Themistocles manage to frustrate the apparently overwhelming power of Xerxes? Why did the stronger side lose the … Read more

Persian and Greek strategies: analyze and explain the persian and Greek strategies in the contest that took place and explain littoral operations in the contest that culminated in the battle of Salamis.

Persian and Greek strategies •Analyze and explain the Persian and Greek strategies in the contest that took place and explain littoral operations in the contest that culminated in the battle of Salamis. •Why did the choices made by Themistocles, the Athenian strategy, work out so well?