Based on the spice trade game and the readings, write a 4-page double spaced paper about the journey as a spice trader in the 17th century.

Based on the spice trade game and the readings, write a 4-page double spaced paper about the journey as a spice trader in the 17th century. The format of the paper can be letter, diary or  travel report for newspaper. In the paper,explain your motive, justify the route choice you made, and, most importantly, describe … Read more

“To what degree do the people of a kingdom/nation have the rights to have control over how they are to be governed?”

“To what degree do the people of a kingdom/nation have the rights to have control over how they are to be governed?” Queen Elizabeth I age in England (1558-1603) include 1 quote from each of these documents.

Nazi Germany Essay : How did a democracy become a dictatorship? What was at the core of Nazi ideology? Why were many Germans attracted to Nazism and why did some Germans persuade themselves to “take the bad with the good” and not intervene or oppose Nazi actions? What precedents did the Nazis draw upon in formulating their genocidal plan and actions? What was unique about their plan?

Nazi Germany Essay Answer these 2 questions in about a page each. No more than 700 words for each question. There is a book called Question 1: Word limit: 700 words How did a democracy become a dictatorship? What was at the core of Nazi ideology? Why were many Germans attracted to Nazism and why … Read more

French White Paper : Write a white paper directed at the U.S. ambassador to France on a topic of your choosing related to a current issue in France.

French White Paper Write a white paper directed at the U.S. ambassador to France on a topic of your choosing related to a current issue in France. Explain how understanding the historical context of modern France is imperative to understanding and responding to the current events. Introduction: Explain the topic in more depth by reporting … Read more

Write an essay of 7-10 pages, typed and double-spaced on how the Americas Change, 1750.

Write an essay of 7-10 pages, typed and double-spaced on how the Americas Change, 1750. Consider the following aspects of change during this period, based on assigned sources and lectures: Imperialism – from the 18th to the 21st century Political change – revolutions and independence, growth of populist and progressive issues Migration – both internal … Read more