Research and apply your learning and application of the course material in Weeks 1-4 through objective analysis and critical thinking of this organization’s quality mission, voice of customer initiatives, and outcomes.

Mayo Clinic. Select a “real world” healthcare delivery system or healthcare organization. Research and apply your learning and application of the course material in Weeks 1-4 through objective analysis and critical thinking of this organization’s quality mission, voice of customer initiatives, and outcomes. The analysis paper should be well thought out, precise in content, presented … Read more

 calculate : Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity Positive Predictive Value Negative Predictive Value

1000 people are tested for disease. 150 people have the disease; 850 people are not diseased. calculate : Prevalence Sensitivity Specificity Positive Predictive Value Negative Predictive Value Show your work ( formulas/calculations), and justify why you did so.

Describe the position you found that requires an MPH. Explain why you think this job should or should not require an MPH.

MPH Job Posting Find a job posting that requires an MPH. For this assignment: Describe the position you found that requires an MPH. Explain why you think this job should or should not require an MPH. What other qualifications are required? Are the requirements reasonable? Explain your response. What qualifications are preferred? Should they be … Read more

Discuss the theory the author(s) applied and ways to accommodate the high-risk behavior.

Find a website on one of the examples provided in the text regarding a high-risk population, that speaks to one of the behavioral theories we have learned. Is this site credible? Discuss the theory the author(s) applied and ways to accommodate the high-risk behavior. Make sure you include a link to the website you found. … Read more

Create a questionnaire or data collection form that assist with identifying the ethical issues or concerns that may conflict with treating/protecting the general population from infectious diseases.

Data Collection Form: Create a questionnaire or data collection form that assist with identifying the ethical issues or concerns that may conflict with treating/protecting the general population from infectious diseases. The survey/questionnaires will primarily focus on why and what prevents them from participating in vaccinations, wearing face masks, quarantining etc.

Provide definitions for the following terms and provide a description of what their purpose is within meta-analysis: Forest plot,  Funnel plot,  Random effects,  Fixed effects,  Heterogeneity , Effect size 

Pharmacoepidemiology Course: Meta-analyses are foundational to deriving evidence based medicine.  They provide an efficient means of being able to assimilate data from various sources and provide an overall estimate of effect.  For this assignment you will summarize data from a meta-analysis related to COVID 19. In the search box for PubMed put in these terms:  meta analysis, Covid … Read more

Flood Plain Management Services Program:Outline the history, goals and objectives of the program: sub-header > History, Goals, and Objectives of the Program.

Flood Plain Management Services Program (FPMS). First, conduct thorough research for the ‘Topic’, and be sure to use/cite a minimum of five (5) reference sources > APA 7th edition, citation/bibliography format. Second, Outline the history, goals and objectives of the program: sub-header > History, Goals, and Objectives of the Program. Third, detail annual funding for … Read more

 Identify key responsibilities specific to each role within the Surgical Team.

TEAMWORK AND COLLABORATION: Describe the role of each member of the Surgical Team Identify key responsibilities specific to each role within the Surgical Team Analyze adherence to the principles of aseptic techniques Indicate which surgical procedure you observed and the primary challenges for the scrub person and circulating nurse related to this procedure Describe the … Read more