Evaluate the primary leadership style of a chosen leader in a health care management position.

Interview and Leadership Analysis. Evaluate the primary leadership style of a chosen leader in a health care management position. What are the leader’s credentials and what is his or her formal position in the organization? What role does the leader play in the organization, system, or public health arena? Is he or she a mentor … Read more

Write a research paper on flint Michigan that focuses on the black community which is the vulnerable population.

Health needs assessment on flint Michigan. Write a research paper on flint Michigan that focuses on the black community which is the vulnerable population. It has to have two social determinants of health, two health disparities and four interventions( one social and one individual)

Explain what terminally ill means and give an example of a terminal illness and  explain how the body is affected.

Explain what terminally ill means and give an example of a terminal illness and  explain how the body is affected. Explain the ethical dilemma that this scenario presents. State your decision. Include at least 3 reasons as to why you chose this. Include at least 3 reputable scientific sources. Reputable sources= peer reviewed scientific journal … Read more

Identify a problem, issue or concern in a professional health care setting that you would like to address for your evidence-based practice project.

Evidence based project. Identify a problem, issue or concern in a professional health care setting that you would like to address for your evidence-based practice project. Research current literature for evidence-based solutions to ensure there is sufficient evidence to support your proposed topic. Develop an initial reference list of five sources to demonstrate there is … Read more