Write an essay in which identify a single major achievement in Epidemiology (e.g., Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, Cholera). Then briefly describe one important tool that is used to measure its occurrence in a population

           Public Health and Epidemiology Write an essay in which identify a single major achievement in Epidemiology (e.g., Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, Cholera). Then briefly describe one important tool that is used to measure its occurrence in a population. Briefly identify one source of public health data on that issue. Finally, incorporating the concepts of … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of the key approaches, theories and concepts that inform strategic management

Select a Healthcare Organization of your choice and find their existing strategic plan. If you are currently working in a healthcare organization, you may choose to discuss your own organization and its strategic plan. If not, you can select an organization whose strategic plan you have access to or are able to find online.  You … Read more

Explain how both allied health providers can provide patient-centered care and how their background, education, skills, and health care experience contribute to delivering quality patient outcomes.

Description 1.Describe the professional responsibilities of both allied health providers you selected and discuss their roles in delivering quality patient care. Include a discussion about the education and skills required in both professional roles, and describe the health care settings in which both providers may be found. 2.Define “scope of practice” within an allied health … Read more

Why is qualitative research important in health sciences?explain using appropriate examples.

Why is Qualitative Research Important in Health Sciences?explain using appropriate examples. Subject and/or Problem While relatively rare in health care research, qualitative research is now recognized and increasingly used in health care research with its social and cultural dimensions. Institutions that control funding for medical research develop ethical guidelines for evaluating qualitative research, demonstrating formal … Read more

Identify two (2) non- government organizations (NGO’s) within the primary health setting appropriate for your person. Develop a mental health plan and discuss the available treatments in relation to incorporating relevant interventions provided by these NGO’s.

Overview Multiple commissions, inquiries and reports into mental health service delivery within Australia have presented a compelling argument for the need to adopt a biopsychosocial approach over the traditional biomedical approach to healthcare. As a result, mental health service delivery has transitioned into the community, whereby numerous non-government organizations exist within primary health networks, which … Read more

Complete a short summary paper that contains a brief overview of the problem/issue and target audience, methods, any findings if appropriate, and a lessons-learned section.

Description n lieu of a final examination, students will complete a final project in the form of a Video Log (VLOG). You will create a 5-minute VLOG, with narration and any other techniques you would like to apply (e.g., animation, graphic images, and/or music introduction or ending). You are the principal narrator, but you can … Read more

What are the main differences between public health informatics and other informatics fields? Of the top achievements of public health in the US, which do you think is most closely dependent upon informatics, and why?

Description Chose one of the topics below and write a 4-5 page (1,000-1,250 words double-spaced New Times Roman font 12 or Ariel font 11). Use APA style format.  What are the main differences between public health informatics and other informatics fields? Of the top achievements of public health in the US, which do you think … Read more