evaluate the following areas of concern in health care organizations:reduced market competition,price fixing,actions that bar or limit new entrants to the field,preferred provider arrangements and exclusive contracts.

Contracts and Antitrust Protocols Based on Criminal Aspects of Health Care Analyze the Sherman Antitrust Act, named for its author Senator John Sherman of Ohio. In preparation for the discussion this week, evaluate the following areas of concern in health care organizations: Reduced market competition. Price fixing. Actions that bar or limit new entrants to … Read more

Mr. Fallbrook : explain in detail the pathogenesis on how Mr. Fallbrook’s gastroenteritis leads to sepsis and then ARF.

Mr. Fallbrook Prompt 1: Explain in detail the pathogenesis on how Mr. Fallbrook’s gastroenteritis leads to sepsis and then ARF. Prompt 2: Research the medication Enalapril. Explain its uses, dosage, and side effects.Causes and symptoms of Mr. Fallbrook E.coli from food Nausea, weakness, shortness of breath, low urine production, and dark-colored urine Renal failure Sepsis … Read more

Describe some ways you can go about identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the members of your team.provide at least two strategies you could use and describe what these strategies would reveal about your team members.

Learning the strengths and weaknesses of your staff can be the secret to unlocking the potential of your department. Each employee will have different skills, experiences, and education. As a manager, you will be tasked with identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your staff. You will also have to unlock your staff’s potential. Following the … Read more

Discuss the issues facing a disadvantaged group in the UK.Outline the impact these issues have on health and wellbeing

  Discuss the issues facing a disadvantaged group in the UK.  Outline the impact these issues have on health and wellbeing. Describe any barriers to care and how these may be overcome. As well as Define the role of the third sector in the UK in relation to health and wellbeing. Using examples evaluate the … Read more

Time Value of Money : what options and procedure would you consider acceptable for collection of bad debt?

Economic uncertainty and financial instability affect the ability of patients to pay debt arising from medical bills not covered by insurance, leading to questions of medical account resolution. Health care providers are on the opposite side of this equation because patient payments affect the revenue cycle, which can vary in length depending on the size … Read more

In a one to two- page essay, describe how quality assurance (QA) and continuous quality improvement (CQI) are different.

In a one to two- page essay, describe how quality assurance (QA) and continuous quality improvement (CQI) are different Quality Quality is essential in any business that provides services or products. It is of particular importance in long-term care for several reasons: The relationship between providers and consumers is highly personal. That relationship usually extends … Read more

What different methods are available for treating dentine sensitivity? what is their efficacy? describe their scientific basis with reference to published work. discuss the different theories of pain perception in pulp and dentine.

Questions: (a) Write an account of the different jaw reflexes and quote the findings of published research. What are the functions of the different jaw reflexes and what is their clinical significance? (b) What different methods are available for treating dentine sensitivity? What is their efficacy? Describe their scientific basis with reference to published work. … Read more

Examine healthcare offerings in New Orleans, Louisiana, and work to identify red oceans and blue oceans.

Description Examine healthcare offerings in New Orleans, Louisiana, and work to identify red oceans and blue oceans. This will require achieving a deep understanding of red and blue oceans, coupled with an intensive understanding of the selected city, its healthcare providers, and their associated services. Research beyond that supplied by your readings, notably including field … Read more