Chakras, Reiki, and Energy Practices: based on your readings and additional research, how can energy fields be used to improve physical and mental wellbeing?

Chakras, Reiki, and Energy Practices Based on your readings and additional research, how can energy fields be used to improve physical and mental wellbeing? What populations of people would benefit from practices such as Reiki or Therapeutic touch? (Consider the hands-off approach of these therapies).

What are the future implications for Holistic you see an opportunity for further integration of holistic and traditional healing methods in healthcare?how will you implement some of these practices in your own life or future career?

Future Implications of Holistic Health Journal What are the future implications for Holistic Health. Do you see an opportunity for further integration of holistic and traditional healing methods in healthcare? How will you implement some of these practices in your own life or future career? ( 1.5-2 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman)    

Visit the Christian Hospital website and choose a health concern issue relevant to your community.briefly report findings and recommendations for improving your health.

Visit the Christian Hospital website and choose a health concern issue relevant to your community. Briefly report findings and recommendations for improving your health. Then using that same health concern, discuss how you might conduct a community health assessment. Answer the following questions: how would you engage stakeholders? how would you gather data on that … Read more

Identify a microethical and macroethical dilemma that occur in health care organizations. Provide examples of legal case law to support your response.

Microethical and Macroethical Dilemmas Identify a microethical and macroethical dilemma that occur in health care organizations. Provide examples of legal case law to support your response. Apply double spacing  and APA format (1 page)

Leader plan: identify variety of management theories that identify solutions for improving the management of operations within an HIM department.

Leader Plan Identify variety of management theories that identify solutions for improving the management of operations within an HIM department. Identify a variety of leadership theories to identify solutions for improving the management of operations within an HIM department. Create a manager or leader improvement plan, given a template.

Sustainability Initiative: create a list or mind map of the patient services offered at the health care setting you selected for your sustainability initiative.

Sustainability Initiative. Create a list or mind map of the patient services offered at the health care setting you selected for your sustainability initiative. Identify which services are affected by your sustainability initiative, and brainstorm ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes. Write a paper that evaluates how your sustainability initiative will … Read more

Leadership Styles: reflect on someone you have worked with (preferably in healthcare) or that you have seen in action as a leader within the health information management profession and identify the leadership style that most closely relates to the traits and skills that he or she exhibited as a leadership Styles:

Leadership Styles Reflect on someone you have worked with (preferably in healthcare) or that you have seen in action as a leader within the health information management profession and identify the leadership style that most closely relates to the traits and skills that he or she exhibited as a leader. Describe the traits and skills … Read more

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation download with detailed speaker’s notes that is written from the perspective of being a practice manager for a community health center within a safety net hospital.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation download with detailed speaker’s notes that is written from the perspective of being a practice manager for a community health center within a safety net hospital.