Leadership and Performance:case scenario: identify the problem.analyze the problem.what is the issue?who does it affect?what is the appropriate model to analyze the problem?

Leadership and Performance Case Scenario The staff members at Smiley Hospital are assigned to specific patient age groups and their responsibilities differ across the unit. The staff has been complaining that their evaluations do not accurately measure their responsibilities and that they are being measured on performance outcomes they cannot control. Morale is low because … Read more

Melissa and greg: outline the most likely diagnosis for Melissa’s current presentation, explaining your reasoning.explain the most suitable treatment protocol for Melissa, justifying your treatment.

Properties and Structure of organic materials, chemical synthesis and design Melissa and Greg Melissa, 34 years, and her husband Greg, 35 years old, have been trying to start a family for about one year.Melissa weighs 60kg and her height is 160cm. She does not smoke or drink alcohol. Greg stopped smoking about 2 years ago … Read more

Reflection Journal:reflect on the process of completing a Root Cause Analysis.

Reflection Journal Reflect on the process of completing a Root Cause Analysis. What challenges did you have? What have you learned about the importance of the RCA? Communicate the importance of risk management as it relates to patient safety in the delivery of quality health care. Evaluate strategies of risk management and tools used in … Read more

Develop a strategy to help the governor evaluate whether to expand Medical and create a state-run insurance exchange.

Develop a strategy to help the governor evaluate whether to expand Medical and create a state-run insurance exchange.Be sure to advise the governor on how to engage with key stakeholders. Explain the role stakeholders should have in shaping these policy choices. Your strategy should suggest an approach to resolving value conflicts among stakeholders.

Explore the relationship between demonstrating successful achievement of the core measures in quality patient care and reimbursement.

Explore the relationship between demonstrating successful achievement of the core measures in quality patient care and reimbursement. What is the future of organizations and providers who do not focus on core measures? How have the organizations you are familiar with demonstrated core measures? How do these results get reported? Do you believe that achievement of … Read more