Research and create a 3500 word report on Tuberculosis in Nigeria and its effects.

Tuberculosis in Nigeria Research and create a 3500 word report on Tuberculosis in Nigeria and its effects. Use the following format: It should be word-processed in 11 point Arial font and double-spaced All pages must be numbered 1 inch, Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm), Left: 1.25 inches, Right: 1.25 inches (3.2 cm) Assignment length : … Read more

HIV/ AID in Lesotho: Research and provide an analysis of your topic within the context of the following tiers of the HIP:

HIV/ AID in Lesotho Research and provide an analysis of your topic within the context of the following tiers of the HIP: Socioeconomic Factors Changing the Context to Make Individuals’ Default Decisions Healthy* Long-Lasting Protective Interventions Clinical Interventions Counseling and Education (include the role of the nurse as well as health behavior change theory) *Recommended … Read more

Write a 3-paragraph essay (~500 words) answering the question : What are the similarities and differences between the Global Health and Planetary Health sciences?

Differences between the Global Health and Planetary Health sciences 1) Watch The Promise of Planetary Health (10 minutes; Apr 22, 2021) –; 2) Write a 3-paragraph essay (~500 words) answering the question : What are the similarities and differences between the Global Health and Planetary Health sciences?

National Health Issue : Prepare a policy brief on a current national public health problem, issue or concern.

National Health Issue Prepare a policy brief on a current national public health problem, issue or concern. Answer the following in your policy brief : 1. What is the Issue? State the health issue/problem that the national policy change is designed to address. 2. What is the Background? Present the data describing the issue/problem to … Read more

Ghost Maps: What was the author’s main objective for writing this book?Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course?

Ghost Maps Write a 4-page reflection paper about Ghost Maps. Papers should loosely answer some of the following questions, not necessarily in order. What was the author’s main objective for writing this book? Why do you think it has been assigned for this public health course? What emotions did you feel personally about what you … Read more

Health-related data: Choose one of the above-mentioned data sets, determine an argument based on the data, and then conduct appropriate tests to see if they can prove their argument.

Health-related data Utilize health-related data sets from or from Choose one of the above-mentioned data sets, determine an argument based on the data, and then conduct appropriate tests to see if they can prove their argument.

Define Depression where does it occur, how many people are dealing with it, is it a historical or current problem, what are the health endpoints .

Depression Among Teens 1. Define Depression where does it occur, how many people are dealing with it, is it a historical or current problem, what are the health endpoints . 2. What are the risk factors? 3. What communities/people are most impacted by this problem? 4. What are three community-level interventions that have been suggested … Read more