Healthcare : What do you think accounts for the difference in costs between the two hospitals?

Healthcare Dr. Mallory practices at your hospital and your competitor. Presented below are data for DRG 209 (Major Joint and Limb Reattachments, Lower Extremity) that reflect practice patterns for Dr. Mallory at the two hospitals. Your Hospital         Competitor Discharges                                    150                           … Read more

Business Need and Development of Problem Statement : Discuss the issue or gap identified during your investigation and explain what business need is not being met.

Business Need and Development of Problem Statement. 1) Discuss the issue or gap identified during your investigation and explain what business need is not being met. 2) Create a problem statement that can be used to provide a snapshot of the issue or gap and the proposed solution. 3) Describe the departments directly affected and … Read more

Psoriasis : Write an overview of the disease: etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, labs, x-ray findings, differential diagnosis and treatment.

Psoriasis Write an overview of the disease: etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentations, labs, x-ray findings, differential diagnosis and treatment. The presentation should be : In a Word document doubled spaced and should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Include at least 4 references. The references should be dated from 2016 to present. Two of the … Read more

Diabetes mellitus : Compare and contrast between diabetes mellitus Type 1 and 2. Describe the clinical manifestations, pathophysiology, and diagnostic studies of diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus. Write a 1250-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There should also be an introduction which briefly discusses the topic and a conclusion. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which topic you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support … Read more

Importance of education and leadership: As healthcare managers, critically analyze the critical components of information included in a research article.

Importance of education and leadership. •Identify important components of a research study. •Evaluate a research article for relevance to the problem statement. •Demonstrate professionalism and accountability through timely completion and submission of the assignment. •As healthcare managers, critically analyze the critical components of information included in a research article. •Identify the main parts of a … Read more

Technological developments in prenatal diagnostics : Discuss how new technologies have advanced the prenatal testing for the condition.

Technological developments in prenatal diagnostics Next generation sequencing has led to advances for prenatal diagnosis in both invasive and non-invasive methods. 1) Give 3 examples of genetic conditions where these developments have changed the diagnostic pathway, using both non-invasive methods and prenatal whole exome/genome sequencing in your examples. 2) With reference to these 3 examples … Read more

What in the client’s history is commonly associated with pulmonary disease? Interpret the client’s arterial blood gasses.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Exacerbation Use the Sherpath case study for the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with exacerbation to answer the following questions. Review the client profile, subjective date, objective data and diagnostic studies to complete the case study in Sherpath. After completing the case study, use the information to answer the … Read more

Complex Emergencies and Health Determinant: Discuss the impact complex humanitarian emergencies have on global health determinants.

Complex Emergencies and Health Determinant •Discuss the impact complex humanitarian emergencies have on global health determinants. •Suggest ways organizations could be better prepared to deal with the health consequences of such humanitarian emergencies. Include two academic references in your post. Use the current APA style and formatting appropriate to the type of reference you provide.