Substance Abuse : Explain what the drug is. List some of the nicknames or street names used for the drug.

Substance Abuse Collect information about substance abuse by filling in the chart below. Use the website below or other sites you find to help you in your quest. Alcohol For each type of drug, you need to include the following information: (3 points per drug) 1) Explain what the drug is. List some of the … Read more

What is a free-market economic system and how does it compare to capitalism? How does public policy affect healthcare in the US and describe how this affects your community?

Capitalism. What is capitalism and what role does it play in the US Economic and Healthcare Systems? What is a free-market economic system and how does it compare to capitalism? How does public policy affect healthcare in the US and describe how this affects your community? Resources: in HIT- us attachment only 91-102 … Read more

Promoting occupation in contemporary practice : Explore a contemporary practice issue faced by occupational therapists.

Promoting occupation in contemporary practice Explore a contemporary practice issue faced by occupational therapists. This needs to include: 1. An explanation of the current situation/issue 2.  Appraisal of the evidence 3 STUDIES AT LEAST 3. Implications and recommendations for occupational therapists 2000 words

What are the ideological, professional and/or economic influences in the policy topic arena that’s of interest to you and are these influences flexible in their positions including does a window of opportunity exist for moving forward.

Telepractice What are the ideological, professional and/or economic influences in the policy topic arena that’s of interest to you and are these influences flexible in their positions including does a window of opportunity exist for moving forward. Essentially, who gains and who doesn’t (at least from their perspective) and is any compromise realistic or even … Read more

Stakeholders : What involvement does management need to have to achieve buy-in from internal and external stakeholders?

Stakeholders. Differentiate views of the various stakeholders and their rationale. Explain who are the various stakeholders in a healthcare organization, and the perspective that may influence their strategic decisions. What involvement does management need to have to achieve buy-in from internal and external stakeholders?

Prepare a 4-6 page white paper for the VP of Medical Affairs to share with the residency sites outlining the differences between the new reimbursement models and prior traditional models for stakeholders.

Medical Affairs You are the Associate Vice President for Education and Training for OtroRaza Health, the academic medical center and health system associated with Enormous State School of Medicine (ESSM). The vice president of medical affairs comes to you concerned about the viability of the school’s residency programs. Several of ESSM’s residency site stakeholders are … Read more

Through personal research, evaluate the needs to intubate a patient and the variables that make the process difficult, and the proper assessment tactics that would indicate failure to secure the airway.

  Patient emergency airway management When evaluating a patient for emergency airway management, the first assessment should be of the patency and adequacy of the airway. Four Key Signs of Upper Airway Obstruction Muffled or “Hot Potato” voice Inability to swallow secretions, either because of pain or obstruction Stridor Dyspnea The first two signs do … Read more

Hemodynamic Organ or System : Identify the organ/organ system that has the direct influence on maintaining the normal range.

Hemodynamic Organ or System For each of the selected hemodynamic parameters; Pulmonary artery pressure. Pulmonary wedge pressure. Cardiac output. Mean arterial pressure. Central venous pressure. Identify the organ/organ system that has the direct influence on maintaining the normal range. Define in your own terms, and make sure to cite any sources used.

Google scholar article analysis : Using Google Scholar as your search engine, identify one article published since 2020 on the topic of “emergency medicine cost” or “emergency department utilization.

Google scholar article analysis. 1) Using Google Scholar as your search engine, identify one article published since 2020 on the topic of “emergency medicine cost” or “emergency department utilization.” 2) Provide a link to the article so your peers can read it. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the article and explain your reasoning. Use … Read more