Review cases of substance use in the workplace and identify characteristics of workers with substance abuse in the workplace.

Assessing Substance Abuse among workers in Ohio using Workers Compensation Claims Data There is a problem with drug/alcohol abuse in the US.Describe this problem.Why are drugs so addictive?What are some of the rules and regulations regarding these chemicals, and why are they necessary? Review cases of substance use in the workplace and identify characteristics of … Read more

Explain the difference between monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and give examples of how this technology is used.

Medical Toxicology Explain the difference between monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and give examples of how this technology is used. Explain the dangers of methyl – butyl ether (MTBE) a gasoline additive on our environment and our health.  

Nursing : Reflect on your decision to pursue a specialty within the MSN program, including your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.

Nursing. Reflect on your decision to pursue a specialty within the MSN program, including your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization. Provide an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. … Read more

Do some research and find an article online that describes an epidemiological study.

Epidemiological study. Do some research and find an article online that describes an epidemiological study. Answer the questions below. For each question, cite your research that supports your answer. What was the hypothesis of the study? How were the cases selected for the study? How many cases were selected for the study? Describe the inclusion … Read more

Identify, screen, and triage target populations that needs to receive medical countermeasures and medical countermeasures according to appropriate protocols.

Medical countermeasures to targeted population(s) Provide medical countermeasures to the target population in accordance withpublic health guidelines and recommendations appropriate to the incident. Identify, screen, and triage target populations that needs to receive medical countermeasures and medical countermeasures according to appropriate protocols.

Conduct health surveillance at congregate locations and identify cases of illness, injury,immunization status, and exposure within mass care populations.

Monitor mass care population health Conduct facility-specific environmental health and safety monitoring in coordination with partner agencies, including screening for contamination, such as radiological, nuclear, biological, or chemical contamination, and correct any identified deficiencies. Conduct health surveillance at congregate locations and identify cases of illness, injury,immunization status, and exposure within mass care populations. Provide situational … Read more

Determine mass care roles and responsibilities of the jurisdictional public health agency as a lead or support agency when working with collaborating organizations. Address the access and functional needs ofat-risk individuals.

Public health role in mass care operations Identify the public health agency role in mass care operations . Determine mass care roles and responsibilities of the jurisdictional public health agency as a lead or support agency when working with collaborating organizations. Address the access and functional needs of at-risk individuals.Operationalize the public health agency mass … Read more

Identify current jurisdictional and federal laws and policies that authorize, limit, or protect the exchange of information relevant to emergency situational awareness.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response CapabilitiesIdentify relevant data regulations, policies, and standards . Identify current jurisdictional and federal laws and policies that authorize, limit, or protect the exchange of information relevant to emergency situational awareness.  Identify stakeholder data requirements . Determine the conditions for information exchange . Identify when and to what extent information … Read more

Discuss Epidemiology of substance abuse/overdose among workers in America generally and Ohio specifically.

Substance Abuse in the workplace using Workers Compensation Claims in Ohio. Assess the challenge of substance abuse in the workplace in America Discuss Epidemiology of substance abuse/overdose among workers in America generally and Ohio specifically. What are the effects of substance use in the workplace on injuries and fatalities. Discuss drug testing practices in the … Read more

Identify the model or tool for analysis of the selected problem, and provide rationale.Analyze and compare data relative to internal and external benchmarks.

Healthcare worker shortages. The paper is about healthcare worker shortages the details are below Application of a tool for problem analysis that is accompanied by a minimum of two visual data displays, a short summary of observations, and evidence-based recommendations. This will vary significantly depending on your project; however, a few examples include: Cost Benefit … Read more