Evaluate the approach of an analytics team and interpret and present statistical results to support a health care recommendation.

Presenting Statistical Results for Decision Making Introduction The ability to translate analytic results into clear, concise, and actionable results is a vital skill for health care administrators. Because decision making is increasingly data-driven and evidence-based, managers are frequently required to formally present statistical results to leadership. Sometimes, decision makers differ as to how well they … Read more

Critical disscussion Provide a portfolio on acritical discussion relating to an assessment or outcome measure related to an activity that the student conducted or participated in whilst on practice placement.

Critical disscussion Provide a portfolio on acritical discussion relating to an assessment or outcome measure related to an activity that the student conducted or participated in whilst on practice placement (this could include a project or audit). This should be approximately 1000 words. Overall your portfolio should include evidence that – You have discussed with … Read more

Health implication : Write a 1-page double spaced summary based on a topic of your choice from course BIOL 2020.

Health implication Write a 1-page double spaced summary based on a topic of your choice from course BIOL 2020. Relate your topic to a disease, disorder, syndrome, or health implication that you are interested in. 1 page (max), double spaced, 11-12 pt. font Arial or Calibri, 2.5-inch margins or standard. Introduction (3 marks) ● Brief … Read more

Logic Model Journal : Create a logic model diagram for your chosen public health program. Include all components inputs, resources, activities, outputs, short-term outcomes, and long-term outcomes.

Logic Model Journal Create a logic model diagram for your chosen public health program. Include all components inputs, resources, activities, outputs, short-term outcomes, and long-term outcomes. Once the Logic Model is made, then using a screencast program , create a video presentation to explain the rationale behind the components you have included in your logic … Read more

Analyze the ethical and legal arguments against the backdrop of the Roe v Wade, Planned Parenthood v Casey and Right to Choose v Byrne decisions.

Backdrop The New Jersey Medical Society the nation’s oldest Society of physicians, founded in 1766mindful that students are in the forefront of medical-ethical scholarship, has submitted an important question concerning a Louisiana abortion law which requires doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. This is of concern to the Society’s members as … Read more

Prepare an overview of past, present and anticipated surrogacy practices that will inform and authenticate your conclusions.

Legal opinion The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, mindful of the students’ reputation in the MHA Program at the School of Planning and Public Policy, is seeking monographs concerning the rapidly growing use of traditional, genetic and gestational surrogacy reflecting your knowledge and insight into the emerging efforts to legalize and monetize a medical … Read more

Prepare an in-depth memorandum addressing the genesis, purpose, function, structure and goals of the Committee as well as the current role of its consultation process and its contribution to the institution’s overall mission.

Excellent reputation The New Jersey Health Commissioner is keenly aware of the excellent reputation of the Masters of Health Administration Program at the University and its outstanding students. In light of this, she seeks your advice concerning an upcoming regulatory inspection concerning the Department’s compliance with state, federal and professional licensure requirements of its Institutional … Read more

Future profession : Which topic interested you most in this class?Explain WHY it is so interesting to you. Be specific

Future profession Choose the topic that is interesting and why. In 5-8 pages (double spaced), tell me the following: 1. Which topic interested you most in this class? 2. Explain WHY it is so interesting to you. Be specific 3. How has this course helped you prepare for your future profession?