Select one of the laws that you find most interesting and provide a summary of the law and its intent. Take a stance and explain whether or not you believe the law goes too far, not far enough, or goes far enough in meeting its intent. Defend your stance.

Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Review the Emergency Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Select one of the laws that you find most interesting and provide a summary of the law and its intent. Take … Read more

Discuss briefly the effect of formulation design on the drug release pattern exhibited by the two dosage forms.

Drug dissolution from an immediate release vs modified release preparation (1)  By use of calibration graph and using linear regression analysis, determine the equation of the line and linear correlation coefficient . (2) Calculate the % drug released at each time point on the basis of the theoretical dose of drug (200mg). Present your findings … Read more

Identifiy the community’s health risks and potential risk reduction programs.

Epidemiologic planning model Identify the community’s health risks and potential risk reduction programs. Provide quantitative forecasts for specific services at each level of prevention and care using the epidemiologic planning model. Identify current providers for each level of prevention and care. Establish OFIs that can be used to identify and prioritize a community health strategy, … Read more

With reference to the scenario brief, analyze, evaluate, and discuss the key employment relations issues facing the company Organic Health Foods.

Managing the Employment Relationship With reference to the scenario brief, analyze, evaluate, and discuss the key employment relations issues facing the company Organic Health Foods. Advise the Director of the actions needed for an amicable resolution and to be legally compliant. Use key case studies and relevant employment legislation to support your answer. Total marks: … Read more

Select two categorical variables that are of interest to you and perform an appropriate univariate statistical test. Explain why the statistical test that you have used is appropriate, show the results and report your conclusion.

Variable Select two categorical variables that are of interest to you and perform an appropriate univariate statistical test. Explain why the statistical test that you have used is appropriate, show the results and report your conclusion. Select a variable with two or three categories and investigate how the values of another continuous (scale) variable differ … Read more

Discuss why directional strategies are both a part of situational analysis and strategy formulation.

Situational analysis and strategy formulation. Please answer these two questions in separate paragraphs with one source each 1)Think of an organization that you know relatively well and review their mission statement. Using the components of a mission statement found on page 173 of Strategic management of health care organizations, answer the following questions. Which components … Read more

Create an eight-step strategic planning process map for a small healthcare organization of your choice.

Strategic planning process Create an eight-step strategic planning process map for a small healthcare organization of your choice. For the purposes of this final project, you will continue in your role as an external facilitator for your selected healthcare organization. Develop strategies for the strategic areas of concern identified in step four, and then plan … Read more