Using the scenario, Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis to understand the due diligence involved in the situation.

Healthcare Facility Design Read the following scenario: Two physicians purchased a 12,000-square-foot industrial warehouse in Scottsdale, Arizona. The two physicians purchased the facility prior to consulting with design professionals. The industrial warehouse will be converted into a surgery center. After their purchase, the physicians brought in a design team to complete the renovation. Using the … Read more

Create a coding portfolio presentation in the form of a Word document to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to persuade your audience that you are the correct person for Portfolio Project.

Portfolio Project Create a coding portfolio presentation in the form of a Word document to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to persuade your audience that you are the correct person for Portfolio Project. Be sure you are providing accurate codes and rationale. Incorporate coding guidelines to show that you have done your research and will … Read more

Analyze factors affecting opportunities to use behavioral change to improve population health.

Improving Health of a Population in Behavioral Change. Identify opportunities for improving the health of a population through behavioral change within your experience. Make your case by analyzing major factors that affect the opportunity, such as how processes of change or stages of patient engagement affect initiative opportunities. Appraise the role of healthcare professionals in … Read more

List and describe the federal laws and regulations governing patient privacy and security.

Federal laws and regulations List and describe the federal laws and regulations governing patient privacy and security. Identify ways to create reports using big data as well as the various indices that can be queried for the purpose of decision making. Discuss meaningful use and HITEC and its impact on the development of the electronic … Read more

Write a paper on ethical issues related to products liability in healthcare,Laws related to products liability in healthcare and any role of artificial intelligence related to products liability in healthcare.

The Law and Ethics of Products Liability in Healthcare. Write a paper on ethical issues related to products liability in healthcare,Laws related to products liability in healthcare and any role of artificial intelligence related to products liability in healthcare.

Access the Internet and locate a health insurance company’s website. Write a three- to five-page double-spaced paper, addressing the following.

Internet Search Access the Internet and locate a health insurance company’s website. Write a three- to five-page double-spaced paper, addressing the following: Describe member services and incentives. Discuss new/current/upcoming technology. Examine provider network and outreach. Explain the insurance company’s commitment to excellence and quality. List its accreditation and/or certification. Generate two recommendations for improving the … Read more

Choose an emerging managed care delivery model, Accountable Care Organizations, or Patient-Centered Medical Homes and address how the selected emerging managed healthcare delivery model has done to improve quality of care.

Accountable Care Organizations Choose an emerging managed care delivery model, Accountable Care Organizations, or Patient-Centered Medical Homes and address how the selected emerging managed healthcare delivery model has done to improve quality of care. Provide an annotated bibliography of at least five of the required ten scholarly sources you will be using to write your … Read more

Analyze and evaluate your verbal communication skills as discussed in our text chapter “ Communication Skills in the Information Age”. Using a scale of 1-10, how would you rate them, why?

Verbal communication skills Include the following: 1. Analyze and evaluate your verbal communication skills as discussed in our text chapter “ Communication Skills in the Information Age”. Using a scale of 1-10, how would you rate them, why? 2. Analyze and evaluate your non-verbal communication skills. Select three non-verbal skills of which you are aware. … Read more

Build the “D” of the IMRAD portion of your Capstone project.Explore the meaning of your findings, how they apply to the external environment.

Perceptions of inhaled medications in the COPD population Build the “D” of the IMRAD portion of your Capstone project.Explore the meaning of your findings, how they apply to the external environment. To simply this process, try to focus your discussion on the following topics: Interpretation of your results. The implications of your findings. The limitations … Read more