Write a one-page paper about why you would love to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic to provide free dental care.

Mission Trip. You are a dental hygienist and you have dental assisting experience. Write a one-page paper about why you would love to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic to provide free dental care. Explain what this mission trip would mean to be personally.

View the attached file made on policy discourse assignment, read and prepare a reply post where you need to add new concepts they have missed or enhance on the understanding of the topic.

Policy Discourse Post View the attached fileĀ  made on policy discourse assignment, read and prepare a reply post where you need to add new concepts they have missed or enhance on the understanding of the topic. 350-450 words.

Take one global health topic and critique it sociologically,using the following social theories

Reducing fertility in Egypt Take one global health topic and critique it sociologically,using the following social theories : Faminist theory , strucutural functionalism ( consensus theory) , interaction and conflict( Marxist) The essay should integrate literature ,which should be cited and referenced in the Harvard Format  

Identify an issue, obstacle, or problem that affects the lives of either young queer people, young Black people, or young people who are both Black and Queer within one of the following realms:

Mental Health Among Black Youth. Identify an issue, obstacle, or problem that affects the lives of either young queer people, young Black people, or young people who are both Black and Queer within one of the following realms: family, education/school life, friendships/relationships, hate, abuse, employment, housing, law/justice, media, entertainment, mental health, OR physical health. In … Read more

List and discuss three different patient interventions and how you would specifically measure the outcomes.

Quality Healthcare: Measuring NP Performance List and discuss three different patient interventions and how you would specifically measure the outcomes. How would these primary care interventions result in improved patient outcomes and cost savings for the practice? How can these interventions result in improved patient ratings?