Research an example of the use of predictive analytics in health care and share the link in your post. Summarize the application, its benefits, and potential drawbacks. Do you think the benefits are worth the potential risks and drawbacks?

Predictive analytics With the capabilities that informatics brings to the health care sector come the responsibility of considering the legal and ethical outcomes of using patient data, even if it is anonymous, to inform policies, practices, and patient costs of receiving care. This week you study the use and implications of predictive analytics aimed at … Read more

What are some of the major interest groups that influence the decision-making process when it comes to health policy?

Lobbying Discussion. Should be two pages and answer these questions: A. What are some of the major interest groups that influence the decision-making process when it comes to health policy? B. Do you think that they should have access to “Direct Lobbying?” C. Is this process enhancing or diminishing the government’s Bureaucratic behavior?  

Choose one of the following population health problems to focus on, research and share an overview of the current data on this population health problem specific to your community.

Population Health Problems. Choose one of the following population health problems to focus on, research and share an overview of the current data on this population health problem specific to your community. * Substance use or abuse

Create a work flow map based on information obtained from the case study below.

Work Flow Map Case Study Create a work flow map based on information obtained from the case study below. Mrs. Jones is 89 years old and lives alone. She takes the bus to her neighborhood pharmacy to drop off a new prescription written by her medical provider. The prescription is for a change in her … Read more

Write a workplace brief of evidence-based recommendations to identify and address upcoding, an incorrect health care billing practice.

Health care billing practice Write a workplace brief of evidence-based recommendations to identify and address upcoding, an incorrect health care billing practice. Include a description of the major categories of health care fraud and abuse and the laws designed to address them. (8 double-spaced pages)

Design and execute a research strategy using qualitative and/or quantitative methods

Better Health Services for Veterans : An Analysis of the Veterans Choice Program 1) Identify a research question with social, political, management or policy significance. 2) Design and execute a research strategy using qualitative and/or quantitative methods. 3) Critically assess processes and outcomes. 4) Develop recommendations for action by public institutions or nonprofit organizations. 5) … Read more

Discuss a range of personal, social, and cultural relationships in which the self-concept develops

The development of the self-concept from differing theoretical perspectives. Discuss a range of personal, social and cultural relationships in which the self-concept develops Examine the person-centred perspective of the self-concept. Examine development of own self-concept. Discuss the potential impact of person-centred counselling on conditions of worth .  

Explore why health data collected by health institutions should be accessible to actors beyond institutions and governments such as the patients themselves as well as clinical health researchers and private sector players in the health space.

A case for the democratization of heath data for research and decision making – the VODAN Africa Project Access to Health Data for research and development . Explore why health data collected by health institutions should be accessible to actors beyond institutions and governments such as the patients themselves as well as clinical health researchers … Read more