Define the term “performance requirement validation” and provide an example from a health care system of your choice.

Systems Engineering Based upon the readings from Systems Engineering: Principles and Practice, in your own words, describe the four (4) basic steps of the needs analysis. Provide a description of each step. Define the term “performance requirement validation” and provide an example from a health care system of your choice.

Identify and list 3 areas of general liability for which a physician/employer is responsible

Progress 1. Identify and list 3 areas of general liability for which a physician/employer is responsible. 2. Define the following terms: -reasonable person standard, – standard of care, and -duty of care. 3. Define the 4 D’s of negligence and the elements necessary to prove the negligence. 4. Name two types of cases that fall … Read more

Briefly discuss FIVE key issues you would consider in the planning for the focus group study.

Needle and syringe exchange programme.   Word limit – Up to 1000 words per whole question (equivalent to approximately2 pages of single-spaced, typed text, with size 11 Arial font). You are a researcher employed at a private research firm. You have been taskedwith organising a number of focus groups with homeless intravenous drug users,(IDUs), to … Read more

Briefly describe what is meant by the term “informed consent”, the process of obtaining it from research participants, and the challenges to this process in the conduct of this research.

Physical, sexual and emotional violence . Word limit – Up to 1000 words per whole question (equivalent to approximately2 pages of single-spaced, typed text, with size 11 Arial font). Global evidence shows that women and girls aged 15 to 49 years are at increasedrisk of physical, sexual and emotional violence from family members and intimatepartners … Read more

Evaluate a political issue in a health care scenario.Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within the field of Health Sciences.

Competency Assessment 1. Evaluate a political issue in a health care scenario. 2. Apply ethical reasoning to ethical issues within the field of Health Sciences. 3.Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances.

Describe the issue and why and how it poses an ethical dilemma for healthcare providers and healthcare organizations?

Organ transplantation and artificial organs. Choose an ethical dilemma from the list below and answer the questions that follow. Organ transplantation and artificial organs Describe the issue and why and how it poses an ethical dilemma for healthcare providers and healthcare organizations? What ethical principle(s) would be applicable to the dilemma? Describe the ethical decision-making … Read more

Read service lines and activity-based costing reveal true cost of care for UPMC and discuss how activity-based costing can be used to mitigate rising costs and the change in patient perception.

Departmental Costing and Cost Allocation + Service Line Costing & Pricing. Cost overruns and extraordinary spending by healthcare organizations harm the sustainability of the healthcare organization. Through activity-based costing (ABC), the healthcare industry is working to combat disproportionally rising costs to GDP in the United States (HealthCatalyst, 2018). Read Service Lines and Activity-Based Costing Reveal … Read more

If you were to find out that the AI/ML system was used to make recommendations on your care and no one told you, how would you feel? Well, come to think of it, do you know whether an AI/ML system was used the last time you saw a physician?

SCENARIO Reply to the following using at least 175 words per reply. Be constructive and professional in your reply. Be sure to use FULL APA references and in-text citations. I found this FANTASTIC article ( that runs through a scenario of a patient speaking with his physician and the recommended course of treatment for his … Read more

Select one app that you think is particularly interesting and describe it. How might patients and clinicians benefit from the features the app provides? What types of apps do you think would best support the health of priority communities?

Health of priority communities Select one app that you think is particularly interesting and describe it. How might patients and clinicians benefit from the features the app provides? What types of apps do you think would best support the health of priority communities? (Links to an external site.).