Look through the Landforms website and use it to fill out your study guide. which landform do you find most interesting?

1. Look through the Landforms website and use it to fill out your study guide. Which landform do you find most interesting? 2. Look at Geology of Wind Cave and learn more about Wind Cave National Park. Addto your study guide and submit to the discussion board. What did you find interesting about Wind Cave, … Read more

Estuary Salinity Lab: how does this type of environment impact the organisms that live there (esturaries)?

Estuary Salinity Lab Place a few drops of red food coloring to a clear glass that contains cold water from your refrigerator (less than half full). In a separate glass of the same type, make a saltwater solution using the same amount of water as you did in step 1. Heat that water in the … Read more

Metamorphic Rock: analyze and describe samples of metamorphic rock and then consider how they might be classified into logical groups.

Metamorphic Rock Analyze and describe samples of metamorphic rock and then consider how they might be classified into logical groups. (A)Analyze the metamorphic rocks in Fig. A7.1.1 and actual rock samples of them, if available. Beneath or beside each picture, briefly note the most distinctive features you observe in the rock. (B) Reflect on your … Read more

Spireslack area: write a paragraph describing the geology observed at Spireslack and the surrounding area.

Spireslack area Research and make observations and findings on the Spireslack area. Write a paragraph describing the geology observed at Spireslack and the surrounding area.  (100 words max not including the table). Describe the influence that anthropogenic activities has had on the landscape observed at Spireslack and the surrounding area (including comments about the water … Read more

Measuring Human Welfare :Lomborg mentions that a “trading economy” allows a nation to exist beyond the country’s actual sustainability.do you agree with this or not?explain why.what is a “trading economy”?

Read two articles and answer the questions Chapter 3, Measuring Human Welfare (Bjørn Lomborg)1) Lomborg mentions that a “trading economy” allows a nation to exist beyond the country’s actual sustainability. Do you agree with this or not? Explain why. What is a “trading economy”?2) Lomborg mentions that increased urban migration will alleviate the overcrowding caused … Read more

Correlation and palaeo environment of the Wealden series : show data on the first and last occurrence of a range of fossil species from the Vectis formation in sections from the Isle of Wight and Dorset.

Correlation and palaeo environment of the Wealden series Show data on the first and last occurrence of a range of fossil species from the Vectis Formation in sections from the Isle of Wight and Dorset.

Biogeography: investigate  and explain the pattern between the sediment grain size ,vegetation and land use.

Biogeography Biogeography is the study of the spatial distribution of plants and animals and the reasons behind their occurrences. These questions can concern global to very local scales, over many different time scales. One way to identify patterns in space and time at local scale is by using historical and contemporary maps. Using historical maps … Read more

Open the map Valla_1948. Compare it with the maps from 1868-77. What has changed from 1868-1948? What has not changed much?

Biogeography is the study of the spatial distribution of plants and animals and the reasons behind their occurrences. These questions can concern global to very local scales, over many different time scales. One way to identify patterns in space and time at local scale is by using historical and contemporary maps. Using historical maps makes … Read more