What is being done to manage the hazards in Los Angeles?

Writing Assignment Instructions The objective of these assignments is for you to explore how geological factors impact society and how we in turn affect the environment around us.  You will be investigating the environmental geology of Los Angeles, and will be writing a complete report, split into three separate assignments.  In the first paper, you … Read more

Why does the annual temperature range increase as the latitude increases?

Contrast, areas farther away from large water bodies experience greater seasonal temperature variation. Although this situation is not always true, the three climographs show decreasing precipitation with latitude. Why is there potential for greater precipitation at lower latitudes? Land heats and cools more rapidly than water. Therefore. seasonal temperature variation is moderated at locations influenced … Read more

Choose a specific example in history and describe it. Include when a historical event occurred and describe how society responded. What effects did those responses have? Finally, do you think the event described could happen again? Where and why?

Geology “Water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink” (Coleridge, 1798), quoted from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, written in 1798 by Samual Coleridge. Investigate the ways in which human-caused water shortages, contamination, floods, or other processes associated with fresh water have affected human history. Choose a specific example in history and describe … Read more

Describe how you can relate to the event in a personal way, for example, if it is about earthquakes, have you ever experienced one, or do you live in California and are concerned about them?

Geological Events. Geological events are in the news every day. Search the Internet for a news article related to geology that you can personally relate to, and provide the title, URL, and write a short summary.  Include why you found this article interesting. Describe how you can relate to the event in a personal way, … Read more

How many pages would be in the “A History of the Earth” book if each page represented 10,000 years of Earth history?

Understanding Geologic Time Use the https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/education/explorations/tours/geotime/gtpage1.html webpage to answer the following questions: 1. How many pages would be in the “A History of the Earth” book if each page represented 10,000 years of Earth history? 2. For the events listed below, fill in how many years ago the event happened, and what page it would … Read more

Describe the metamorphic rocks and minerals that form in a regional tectonic setting from basaltic and pelitic protoliths.

Metamorphic rock 1.Describe name and interpret the thin section of a metamorphic rock, include identification of metamorphic index minerals, an annotated sketch with a scale, the metamorphic facies and the max-P/T. 2.Describe the role of normal faults in rifting margins and discuss the key characteristics of a landscape dominated by normal faults. 3.Describe the types … Read more

What is the difference between facts and truth?How is it different from Opinion? Cite some examples.

Fact vs Truth 1. What is the difference between facts and truth?How is it different from Opinion? Cite some examples. 2. If something is factual, does it make true? If something is true to you, does it make it factual? Cite some examples. 3. Give some examples within the geology context illustrating the difference between … Read more

BIOME BROCHURE PROJECT : Create a travel brochure advertising travel to a biome of your choice.

BIOME BROCHURE PROJECT Create a travel brochure advertising travel to a biome of your choice. The brochure page needs to be unique and creative and must include: Pick a specific area with at least 3 stops. Show and tell where the location is using a map Modes of transportation to get there AND used once … Read more