What processes does the raw material input go through in order to become the final commodity that we consume? (E.g. the coffee bean is picked, dried, shipped, roasted, ground, combined with water).

Commodity: TESLA car battery(nickel). Write a short reflection paper (750words)on the process of researching this commodity (i.e., Part 1B, worth 15% of final class mark). Based on your experiences, comment on the challenges that consumers may face in understanding and evaluating the life of this commodity. Research the commodity and value chain that you have … Read more

Climate change-Do you think climate change over the last few decades can be characterized by Milankovitch cycles? What about over longer geological time scales?

Climate change. All three questions answered with 500 words max (total for paper) Article links: https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2948/milankovitch-orbital-cycles-and-their-role-in-earths-climate/ (Links to an external site.) https://theecologist.org/2019/jun/05/understanding-milankovitch-cycles (Links to an external site.) https://www.rochester.edu/newscenter/tibet-sediments-reveal-climate-patterns-from-millions-of-years-ago-235622/ (Links to an external site.) Are the milankovitch cycles relevant in today’s discussion of climate change? Why or why not? Do you think climate change over the … Read more

Describe NAFTA. What was its purpose when it first come together in 1994? How will the changes of NAFTA into the new USMCA affect trade between the three countries?

Describe NAFTA. What was its purpose when it first come together in 1994? How will the changes of NAFTA into the new USMCA affect trade between the three countries? Who are the biggest political parties in Mexico? Who is the president of Mexico? How long is a presidential term and who is eligible to run? … Read more

What is the Anthropocene and how is it expressed in the Great Smog of London of 1952?

What is the Anthropocene and how is it expressed in the Great Smog of London of 1952? What factors help create the different phases of the demographic transition? Why is GDP no longer the sole measure in studying the development of a country? How is the Malthusian Trap related to the concept of carrying capacity? … Read more

In what ways has a reliance on export-oriented mono-culture (an example of commodity dependence) and other “economic solutions” to climate change led to a parallel disaster similar to that of the Aral Sea

When Women Thrive, Society and Nature Thrive. How do the following videos and articles demonstrate the importance of women’s and girls’ well-being as a prerequisite for economic development and saving the planet? Too Young to Wed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c_zppPutQw Feeding the World with Agro-ecology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvxi4mN-Za0 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/partner-content-empowering-female-farmers https://viacampesina.org/en/opinion-agroecology-for-gender-equality Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo2bBzw2m84 Refer to the videos and readings … Read more

Design a suitable ecological restoration project needed in DUBAI due to ecological degradation or damage in your city.

Design a suitable ecological restoration project needed in DUBAI due to ecological degradation or damage in your city. Provide details of how this restoration should be done (methods). What important plants or animals specific to your city should be restored vs removed, and what the problems/benefits for local communities would be. Start by listing specific … Read more

Develop a fiscal condition analysis of Maumelle, Arkansas analyzing the most recent three-year revenue and expenditures data of Maumelle, Arkansas.

RESEARCH PAPER: FISCAL CONDITION ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT. Develop a fiscal condition analysis of Maumelle, Arkansas analyzing the most recent three-year revenue and expenditures data of Maumelle, Arkansas. Utilize Excel Tools and charts to compute and create tables to create a fiscal condition analysis for Maumelle, Arkansas.