Webinar : Discuss what the talk is all about  and your engagement with the topic.

Webinar Connect this webinar to the Alison Blunt reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWJ-i-dqJgY You are given one opportunity to attend a webinar this semester as part of your reflective essay requirement. You can choose what webinar to attend and write something about it. Essays should have a word count that ranges from 900-1,200 words Discuss what the talk … Read more

Canadian Geography Culminating Activity : Design and build a board game related to Canadian Geography, focusing on one of these main themes of the course:

Canadian Geography Culminating Activity Design and build a board game related to Canadian Geography, focusing on one of these main themes of the course:  Physical geography  Human geography  Natural Resources Part A: The Board Game  The game must be challenging, but not impossible. It must be suitable for four or more … Read more

Drinkable And Non-Drinkable Water : Prepare an outline on drinkable and non-drinkable water .

Drinkable And Non-Drinkable Water  Prepare an outline on drinkable and non-drinkable water . Your outline should contain the following elements in this order: I. The Introduction: This section previews your topic and the details you will cover in the body of your presentation. It should be very brief, but include: A. The food, cuisine, invention … Read more

 GIS professional: identify a real  example of where a GIS professional is faced with an ethical decision.

 GIS professional. First, return to the readings on ethics applied to the GIS profession and the GIS Code of Ethics ( uploaded documents, page. 27-37. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Obermeyer2009.pdf, In addition, consider the readings for the Location Privacy topic, in particular page.500-510. Harvey2014.pdf. Then create a discussion topic that contains these two elements: 1. Identify … Read more

Find a theme and datasets for a small project of Web-GIS software and create your webGIS on the web software listed down.

Find a theme and datasets for a small project of Web-GIS software and create your webGIS on the web software listed down. Use the web-GIS Mango Map ArcGIS online An additional one of YOUR own choice! Find a resource of data you can download and an idea for simple project attraction places in Manchester and … Read more

Critically examine the contention that addressing climate change is as much a political as an environmental problem.

Critically examine the contention that addressing climate change is as much a political as an environmental problem. A 1500 word essay excluding referencing, referring to a debate on climate change whether it is more of a political or environmental problem.  

Society and Space: compare and contrast a pair of provided readings.

Society and Space Compare and contrast a pair of provided readings. This assignment will require you to summarize the main points of each reading (approximately 500 words total), to make a comparison describing the relationship between the two articles (approximately 300 words), and to provide your own assessment of how these readings are geographically significant, … Read more

Describe the importance of cities and governance to make cities sustainable and reverse the climate emergency.

In an essay of 600 words, Describe the importance of cities and governance to make cities sustainable and reverse the climate emergency. How do the cities presented live up to the principles established by OxFam? How do the cities presented live up to the principles established by WWF? Which was your favorite city of the … Read more

.Discuss the changes in moisture content and the effects of these changes on a piece of dimension lumber from the time the tree is cut, through its processing, and until it has been in service in a building for an entire year.

This week you will post one discussion on the discussion board, "Thinking Aloud”: Begin by clicking "add new discussion" and post a couple of sentences addressing the questions for Week Four: 1.Discuss the changes in moisture content and the effects of these changes on a piece of dimension lumber from the time the tree is … Read more