Do you think the punitive fines the courts are ordering Goldman Sachs to pay are sufficient to make up for the wrongdoing?

Finc Dis In 2009, just four months after Najib Razak was elected Prime Minister of Malaysia, 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) was created. The wealth fund was established for development projects to better serve the people of Malaysia, but it ultimately became a slush fund for the country’s leaders and their associates. Goldman Sachs, a Wall … Read more

Hedging Fixed Indexed Annuities : describe the distribution of replicating errors.Make a plot of this distribution.

Hedging Fixed Indexed Annuities.1. Simulate an arbitrary number of Geometric Brownian Motion pathways. You’llprobably want to simulate at least 1,000 paths. Each path depends on a set of random numbers, a constant volatility and default-free rates. This is a simulation for theunderlying stock index, S(t) up until a terminal time T. (No dividend yield.) 2. … Read more

You are working as a financial analyst. Your manager has asked you to prepare a presentation on whether Smith Company, Inc. is a good investment opportunity.Prepare a presentation, a minimum of one slide for each part, summarizing your results. 2

Analysis You are working as a financial analyst. Your manager has asked you to prepare a presentation on whether Smith Company, Inc. is a good investment opportunity.Prepare a presentation, a minimum of one slide for each part, summarizing your results. You should submit either an Excel or Word document showing your work for each part

Calculate the Macaulay duration and modified duration of these bonds. Use an online duration calculator. Present the results of your calculations in your project. How will changes in interest rates affect the bonds’ prices?

FInc paper Find quotations of five to eight corporate bonds that contain a price under “Last Sale” and Ratings of Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500. Not all companies list their bonds on this website. You can use bonds from the same company or choose different companies. Choose the bonds with different maturities, different … Read more

What was the main reason of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy?Do you think Richard Severin Fuld Jr. to be held more directly accountable for its role in the Lehman Brothers fall?

Lehman Brothers Read the case Lehman Brothers: The Fall from Grace.Then answer the questions. In your initial response to the topic you have to answer all questions: What was the main reason of Lehman Brothers bankruptcy?Do you think Richard Severin Fuld Jr. to be held more directly accountable for its role in the Lehman Brothers … Read more

What comparable GAAP results did the Company end up achieving for FY 15?

Valeant Pharmaceuticals Submit the following individually: • What FY 2015 metrics did Valeant guide for during H1 15 . You can also look for guidance figures in other transcripts and investor presentations during H1 15. • What comparable GAAP results did the Company end up achieving for FY 15? • Identify the three largest non-GAAP … Read more