Read about deontological and consequential approaches to ethics and evaluate how well free market systems versus government intervention in markets address poverty and income inequality.

There is growing concern about poverty and income inequality. These two concepts, however, are not the same. Income inequality deals with the percentage of income earned by the different income groups, while poverty is concerned with how difficult it is for the poor to meet basic needs. In Section 1.4, read about deontological and consequential … Read more

Critical analysis: Write a critical analysis with a strategic insight for the Colgate Palmolive company

critical analysis Act as an analyst in a boutique Strategic Management Consultancy. As a part of an internal high-profile project, you are tasked to provide a critical analysis with a strategic insight for the Colgate Palmolive company, assessing how the company develops strategies to mitigate risks and explore how they can enhance an effectiveness in … Read more

Explain how a business finances its operations and expansion.

Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Analyze financial and investment decisions that add value to the organization Analyze financing options to maximize investor value Scenario You are a financial analyst for the chosen business that you selected during your Module Two Journal assignment. Your supervisor has discovered last … Read more

Discuss how the stock for your company is trending. Explain why the stock is in either an uptrend or downtrend.

Understanding Pricing of a Stock. Discuss how the stock for your company is trending. Explain why the stock is in either an uptrend or downtrend. Discuss some of the factors, including environmental, sustainable, and governance (ESG) factors, that you believe have impacted the stock performance and why. Convince your peers to either invest in your … Read more

Team Project Analysis of JP Morgan Chase-Locate and review two industry-respected and authoritative resources. One resource should focus on financial statement analysis using financial ratios.

Team Project Analysis of JP Morgan Chase. Locate and review two industry-respected and authoritative resources. One resource should focus on financial statement analysis using financial ratios. Focus on bench marking analysis using (1) the time-series (also called trend or vertical) comparison (to the organization itself in the previous years) and (2) cross-sectional (also called peer-group … Read more

Systematic and Unsystematic Risk: Explain the differences between systematic and unsystematic risk.

Assessing a Company’s Future Financial Health. Systematic and Unsystematic Risk: Explain the differences between systematic and unsystematic risk. Financial Risks: Describe the potential impacts of the following types of financial risk on the company featured in the case study: Interest rate risk Economic risk Credit risk Operational risk Lower Growth Impact: Explain the impact a … Read more

Describe the role of the Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve in the United States, and describe the tools available to the Federal Reserve to influence the nation’s money supply.

Government Bond Markets. Assume that the U.S. economy just entered into a recession. What can the Federal Reserve do to try to get the economy out of a recession? Describe the role of the Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve in the United States, and describe the tools available to the Federal Reserve … Read more