Unit 8 :Final Project finance :analyze the market before Uber’s entry.describe the inefficiency uber exploited.

Unit 8: Final Project Finance Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at Uber.com. Construct an eight-page analysis of Uber using the following criteria. Analyze the market before Uber’s entry. Describe the inefficiency Uber exploited. Explain Uber’s surge … Read more

Current Topic of Financial Management : write a one to two paragraphs outlining your informed opinions on the article, for example how will the story impact your decision making .

Current Topic of Financial Management Select one article from the Business Section of the New York Times describing a current financial management issue. Summarize the article in one paragraph Write a one to two paragraphs outlining your informed opinions on the article, for example how will the story impact your decision making .

Identify a public company that you’re interested in exploring for a case study presentation.go to the company’s website and review their annual report and financial statements.after your review prepare a narrated powerpoint addressing the following points.use excel documents when preparing tables or proformas.

Case Study Presentation 1: Identify a public company that you’re interested in exploring for a case study presentation. Go to the company’s website and review their annual report and financial statements. After your review prepare a narrated PowerPoint addressing the following points.Use Excel documents when preparing tables or proformas. Select two liquidity, two profitability and … Read more

Capital Budgeting: what is capital budgeting?are there any similarities between a firm’s capital budgeting decisions and an individual’s investment decisions?

Capital Budgeting a.What is capital budgeting? Are there any similarities between a firm’s capital budgeting decisions and an individual’s investment decisions? b. What is the difference between independent and mutually exclusive projects? Between projects with normal and non-normal cash flows? c. 1. Define the term net present value (NPV). What is each project’s NPV? 2. … Read more

Financial Analysis of a Company:looking at Morning star’s financial Health ratios, what has happened to HP’s liquidity position over the past 10 years?

Financial Analysis of a Company 1. Looking at Morning star’s Financial Health ratios, what has happened to HP’s liquidity position over the past 10 years? 2. Looking at Morning star’s Financial Health ratios, what has happened to HP’s financial leverage position (looking at both its financial leverage and debt/equity ratios) over the past 10 years? … Read more

Financial Performance Management: select an international organisation (of your choice ) and identify its closest competitor .

Financial Performance Management Select an international organisation (of your choice ) and identify its closest competitor . Present the two organisations and the criteria used for the identification of the competitor. Use ratio analysis technique to evaluate the financial performance of the two organizations; draw a comparative evaluation and critically discuss the findings. You need … Read more