Briefly describe the main types of financial institutions and explain their function.

Finance assignment All essay questions should be written in your own words and appropriate references made where needed. Please follow the guidelines (e.g. word count) where appropriate and as much as possible. You are expected to submit all of your answers in one file prior to the stated deadline in a Word document. Briefly describe … Read more

Provide a brief summary of a current article from a Business Publication, dealing with the application of macroeconomics to decision making.

Provide a brief summary of a current article from a Business Publication, dealing with the application of macroeconomics to decision making. Provide an analysis and critique of one sentence from the article. In the analysis,indicate what macroeconomics concept(s), principle(s), theory (theories), etc. is (are) being used (or implied) and if it (they) is (are) being … Read more

Stock market: record the dates of buying and selling, number of shares, price per share, total purchases and sales.

Stock market Index purchase (Stock Market #2): On Friday of the fourth week from your starting date, simulate a $50,000 purchase of SPIDERS (Trading symbol SPY). SPIDERS stands for shares of an Exchange Traded Fund traded in the AMEX. SPIDERS mimics the Standard & Poor 500 Index, a broad market index. This strategy will work … Read more

Department of Economics and Finance: the stock of Advanced Industries is trading at $32. You feel the stock price will decline, so you short 1000 shares at an initial margin of 70%. If the maintenance margin is 30%, at what share price will you receive a margin call?

Department of Economics and Finance 1. John began his investing program with a $5,500 initial investment. The table below recaps his returns each year as well as the amounts he added to his investment account. What is his dollar-weighted average return? 2. The stock of Advanced Industries is trading at $32. You feel the stock … Read more

As follows relates to accounting fraud,describe them in relation to perceived pressure.

As follows relates to accounting fraud,describe them in relation to perceived pressure. Intentional misrepresentation of financial statements. A need to obtain cash or other assets. An employee’s justification of his or her actions. The opportunity to commit and conceal fraud.

Write an essay explaining why any noticeable volatility in the currency’s exchange rate against the US dollar occurred.

Investigate Finland’s adoption of a negative interest rate policy and the implications for its currency’s value. In recent decades, some major economies and regions, including Japan, the Eurozone, and a few others, have adopted zero and then negative interest rates: a historically unconventional monetary policy response. This assignment requires that you investigate Finland’s adoption of … Read more

Indicate whether each of the following is a source of cash, use of cash, or has no cash impact.

Indicate whether each of the following is a source of cash, use of cash, or has no cash impact. a. Firm issues new long-term debt. b. Firm prepays operating costs. c. Because the firm buys another firm, it amortizes goodwill. d. Firm sells outdated computer equipment e. Firm pays a stock dividend. f. Firm sells … Read more

Which of the following activities will affect a bank’s required reserves?

Which of the following activities will affect a bank’s required reserves? a.The local Girl Scout troop collects coins and currency to buy a new camping stove. The troop deposits $250 in coins and opens a small time deposit. b.You decide to move $200 from your MMDA to your NOW account. c.Sell your car to the … Read more