Discuss whether the term “corporate entrepreneurship” is an oxymoron. Can corporations especially large ones be innovative? Support your answer with examples.

•Discuss whether the term “corporate entrepreneurship” is an oxymoron. Can corporations especially large ones be innovative? Support your answer with examples. •Use the Internet to find an example of two corporate innovations—one brought about through autonomous strategic behavior and one developed through induced strategic behavior. •Which innovation seems to hold the most promise for commercial … Read more

ZYMEWORKS: Briefly in your own words summarize what the results mean in terms of the financial analysis of the company.

ZYMEWORKS Use proper excel Formulas to compute the following ratios. Give a brief explanation of what the ratio indicates in terms of the Company’s Financial Standing. a. Refer to the company’s latest year financial statements. (the one you are basing your analysis on) b. Compute the ratios on the Ratios worksheet. c. Ensure you use … Read more

Financial Management: Write a report  at the cost of ownership of the fleet over Gotham’s planning horizon of 12 years.

Financial Management Write a report  at the cost of ownership of the fleet over Gotham’s planning horizon of 12 years. Compare the present worth of the two alternatives and present the results in a professional looking 1 to 2-page report supported by any tables or work sheets. Make a recommendation – should Gotham replace the … Read more

Artificial Intelligence Trends and Ethics: Issues for Investors : Discuss the uses of AI in Financial services and Financial management and its Positive or negative influences on finance practice and users.

Artificial Intelligence Trends and Ethics: Issues for Investors 1) What is Artificial Intelligence ? 2) Discuss the uses of AI in Financial services and Financial management and its Positive or negative influences on finance practice and users. 3) How AI could be unethical in general?How could it harm the investors?How could they be protected from … Read more

Corporate Financial Management : Provide a brief summary of the history and business activities of GM and Tesla .

Corporate Financial Management You are an investment analyst considering the relative merits of investing in GM and Tesla. You have been asked to prepare a report for a group of institutional investors which identifies the relative merits of the two companies and concludes with a recommendation to invest in GM, Tesla, both or neither. 1. … Read more

Capital budgeting management: Critically appraise the major issues of working capital management, relative advantages and disadvantages from the various perspectives of the stakeholders of the firm.

Capital budgeting management A) What are the different components of working capital management? B) Critically appraise the major issues of working capital management, relative advantages and disadvantages from the various perspectives of the stakeholders of the firm. C) What are possible solutions to resolve the major issues in working capital management?  

Write a report for the CEO of a public group company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) after reviewing paragraphs 6.48–6.77 of Chapter 6, the Comment Letters from the interested parties, the Feedback Summary, and Basis for Conclusions (i.e. paragraphs BC6.41–BC6.68)

Corporate Reporting Theory and Practice• Critically evaluate and discuss Chapter 6 (Measurement) of the Exposure Draft (ED/2015/3) Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. • Apply appropriate knowledge, analytical techniques and concepts to problems and issues arising from both familiar and unfamiliar situations. • Think critically, examine problems and issues … Read more

Verizon : Use the tool of your preference: financial statement analysis, financial ratio analysis or industry analysis to critically assess the Verizon company financial performance in 2020 by comparing to the 2019.

Verizon Use the tool of your preference: financial statement analysis, financial ratio analysis or industry analysis to critically assess the Verizon company financial performance in 2020 by comparing to the 2019.

Financial Analysis of AstraZeneca : Critically analyze and assess financial planning for AstraZeneca performed and demonstrating in-depth analysis of financial ratios, future projections, breakeven analysis, and capital structure.

Financial Analysis of AstraZeneca Critically analyze and assess financial planning for AstraZeneca performed and demonstrating in-depth analysis of financial ratios, future projections, breakeven analysis, and capital structure. (3000 word essay)

The Cash Flow: Develop a paper analyses on the relationship between margins, margins volatility and sales growth rate within the last 15 years horizon.

The Cash Flow The Cash Flow or volatility discount or premium applied by market participants to securities traded on the stock market. Develop a paper analyses on the relationship between margins, margins volatility and sales growth rate within the last 15 years horizon. A key focus should be during 2019-2020 and 2008-2010 stock market crisis. … Read more