Finance : How long will it take for Mark get his balance to $0?What strategies should Mark use to pay off the card sooner?

Finance Mark has a credit card with a $5,000 balance. His interest rate is 19%, and the credit card company requires a minimum 2% payment, this is $100 per month. This interest calculator will show how much total interest Mark will pay. Write a short paper (300–500 words) that answers the following questions: How long … Read more

Compare price averaging and buying the dip as investment strategies for the future via supervised machine learning methods on top cryptocurrencies by Market cap

Compare price averaging and buying the dip as investment strategies for the future via supervised machine learning methods on top cryptocurrencies by Market cap. This chapter is a literature review that needs to highlight, section wise the following: Functionality of Cryptocurrency Systems Data Analytics in Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency Industry Analysis Primary and Secondary Factors and Influences … Read more

Describe your personal leadership goals and how the Michigan Model of Leadership and the EMBA leadership development curriculum will help in the achievement of those goals.

Model of Leadership and the EMBA leadership Describe your personal leadership goals and how the Michigan Model of Leadership and the EMBA leadership development curriculum will help in the achievement of those goals.

Strategic Analysis Coca-Cola: Discuss how diversification in an investment helps in reducing the risk associated with the investment

Strategic Analysis Coca-Cola. Discuss how diversification in an investment helps in reducing the risk associated with the investment Discuss how you will create a detailed financial plan for the selected organization. Make sure to consider various barriers associated with capital flows. Discuss each component used in the cost of capital formula Discuss challenges associated with … Read more

Provide an oral report and pre-recorded and presented as a video, no more than 8 minutes long.

A special event was recently held in your restaurant, and you have been asked by the Director of Food & Beverage to analyze the results of the events, relative to the event budget that was originally forecast. Provide an oral report and per-recorded and presented as a video, no more than 8 minutes long, that … Read more

Interpret the quality of the operating cash flow for this company. Is the operating cash flow improving or deteriorating over time? Explain your answer, as well as why you reached your conclusion.

Calculating the Operating Cash Flow Using the Financial Statement Excel Template, which includes the needed data, compute the operating cash flow for Medi-Supply. Prepare Excel formulas to show your work in cells where math is involved to derive the answers. Using the Business Report Template, address the following using Medi-Supply’s operating cash flow: Interpret the … Read more

Recommend a product for the clients and explain your reasons for recommendation.

Complete a Loan Application & Recommend a product 1. Recommend a product for the clients and explain your reasons for recommendation 2. List the supporting documents that would be needed to support the loan 3. Complete a loan costing sheet * 4. Complete a loan servicing calculation (NSR) * 5. Download and complete the FHOG … Read more

Analyze financial and investment decisions that add value to an organization.Analyze financing options to maximize investor value.

Principle of Finance Competencies Analyze financial and investment decisions that add value to an organization Analyze financing options to maximize investor value Scenario You are a financial analyst for the chosen business that you selected during your Module Two Journal assignment. Your supervisor has discovered last minute that your business’s board of directors is looking … Read more