Taxation : Evaluate the past 3 years’ allocation of private and public goods. Develop an analysis that addresses the prompts listed below.

Taxation Evaluate the past 3 years’ allocation of private and public goods. Develop an analysis that addresses the prompts listed below. Evaluate goals and priorities of the local government goods and services. Assess internal and external challenges for providing goods and services. Evaluate budget stabilization measures. Provide recommendations. Your report should consist of no less … Read more

Hertz company credit ratings : Write a report of credit risk analysis on Hertz corporation and make a table and a graph of the last 10 years of credit ratings of Hertz.

Hertz company credit ratings Write a report of credit risk analysis on Hertz corporation. 1. Make a table and a graph of the last 10 years of credit ratings of Hertz (you may use Moody’s or Standard & Poor’s ratings). 2. Write 1-2 paragraph of overview of their credit rating trend. (Is it going up/down, … Read more

Future health : What factors determine how healthy a person is? Are there ways people can improve or change their risks to disease? How would you assess your current health and how will you change your behaviors to improve your future health?

Future health. 1. What factors determine how healthy a person is? Are there ways people can improve or change their risks to disease? How would you assess your current health and how will you change your behaviors to improve your future health? 2. Pick a chronic disease from those listed in your text. Research the … Read more

Investment Selection : Provide a brief one paragraph explanation of the systematic risk and potential return associated with the investment you’ve selected.

Investment Selection Imagine that you are a potential investor researching a U.S. investment of your choice. Your choice can be any investment that is highly marketable, which means that you must be able to sell it at a market price very easily, and develop a strategic diversification plan for a great return. Publicly traded stock, … Read more

Behavioral Finance : Explore what investors should do to increase their financial knowledge and behavior on investments?

Behavioral Finance Behavioral finance entails studying how psychology influences affect investors and financial markets. According to Zahera and Bansal (2018), biases in behavioral finance may lead individuals to make detrimental and illogical decisions. Thus, an understanding of behavioral finance helps individuals make rational moves regarding their finance. In this view, the main focus of this … Read more

Feasibility study : Create a 12- to 15-page feasibility study that includes the following headings and supporting information:

Feasibility study Create a 12- to 15-page feasibility study that includes the following headings and supporting information: Evaluating Feasibility The concept of a feasibility study is central to viability, the “worth to the effort” ratio, and return on investment (ROI). What needs to be taken into consideration to create a feasibility study (e.g., human resources, … Read more

Describe the components a 3-variance analysis for the organization. Explain each component.

Healthcare organization Provide a mock variance analysis for a healthcare organization of your choice. This may be a real or hypothetical organization. Include the following information: Describe the components a 3-variance analysis for the organization. Explain each component. What value(s) can a healthcare administrator control for? What value does the variance analysis provide to the … Read more